how important are consistent doses of finasteride?


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i just got my 5mg pills of finasteride and trying to figure out the best way to split it. i'm thinking split it into 8ths which will yield 8 .625 pills. then split 4 of those pieces into halves which will yield 4 .3125 pills. i would then take 1 big pill (.625) and one small pill (.3125) every day for a total dosage of .9375.

the only problem i can see w/ this is the accuracy of the pill cutting. it's not very likely that i'll get perfect halves every time. does anyone see a problem w/ the dosages fluctuating slightly from day to day?

i thought about making it simple and just taking daily 1.25mg dosages every day, but i'm very paranoid when it comes to popping pills. i'd rather err on the side of too small a dose rather than too large a dose.

thanks in advance.


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think this will work w/ generic proscar pills? they're more round. i'll give it a shot tonight.


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finasteride binds so tightly to the type2 5ar enzyme that it takes at least two weeks for it DHT levels to return to normal after stopping it.

a moderately fluctuating dosage should have no effect on the therapeutic value. this is why .2mg is almost as effective as 5mg.


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VoRteX said:
finasteride binds so tightly to the type2 5ar enzyme that it takes at least two weeks for it DHT levels to return to normal after stopping it.

a moderately fluctuating dosage should have no effect on the therapeutic value. this is why .2mg is almost as effective as 5mg.

What he said.

Thanks for summing that up, you saved me copying and pasting my emails from Dr. Lee.


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i said:
a moderately fluctuating dosage should have no effect on the therapeutic value. this is why .2mg is almost as effective as 5mg.
We always suggest 1mg daily if at all possible. There's really no need to fluctuate doses, but splitting pills probably wont have much fluctuation involved anyways, so its considered okay.

Those who are a bit more sensitive to hormonal changes may very well notice some problems if you go from a low dose to a high dose to a lower dose, to skipping a day, etc. Most people won't. I did. Going from 0.5mg to 0.375mg resulted in a very noticeable change for me. Same when going from 1mg to 0.5mg. It would all be related to the temporary fluctuations you're causing in your endocrine system which is a *VERY* sensitive and balanced system.

Any change will kick it off kilter, but whether this will affect your results with hair loss is really impossible to prove or disprove. Most likely not.

To be safe, we typically tell people "If you want to emulate the FDA trials and optimize your chances of having that 83%, then you need to do exactly what they did. Change it in any way, and you don't have as much assurance of the same results." This is sound advice, if you care a lot about optimizing your results. Not following it may not make a difference, but its your choice, as long as you're informed :)


Perhaps what said could be the reason for my sexual side effects. I started off with 1/4 proscar than started doing 1/5 about 5 months ago. THen i went to 1/6 about 2 months ago and i noticed sexual side effects and they are still pretty bad so just a week ago i lowered my dosage to 1/8. Maybe its this change in dosage that is causing my side effects. What do you guys think?


Pill cutters are a load of crap, they never work very well, especially on a small pill like proscar.

I use a surgical scalpel which you can buy at most art/craft shops.


If you are right handed:

Take your scalpel blade (no need to buy the handle) in your right hand

place it on the pill where you would like to cut

put your left index finger (the one next to your thumb) on the back of the blade

and with this finger (index on the the left hand) slowly push down,

the pill will split, and nothing will shoot off as the soft fleshy 'finger print' area of your left index finger will grip the pill.


Flat edged '11' surgical scalpel blade

I use a SWANN MORTON 11 or 10A blade, many will work, try not to get one with a rounded or curved blade, 11 and 10A have flat/straight blades.


For the dexterous only:

How to chop Proscar into equal quarters.


You can also buy digital scales cheaply that are accurate down to 1/1000th of a gram, and are not too expensive, these should help you divide your Proscar with increasing accuracy. :)

Good Luck