How Is Vitamin K2 Supposed To Help (decalfification) When It Enhances Testosterone Production


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there's 1000000 studies on this but I'll just drop this

Why are some people advising to take high doses of this vitamin?

You're starting to see the forest instead of the trees.

It also antagonizes estrogen:

One is wild theory (it will prevent decalcification and help hair loss) by broscientists, the other is reality (it will boost T and antagonize E and worsen hair loss).

Now, the problem becomes, when you have super low Vitamin D like me, dangerously low. Then you need to take Vitamin D, but if you take Vitamin D alone, you get bone pain because it has to be taken with Vitamin K together. Now what? Then you take Vitamin K2 MK7 (100 mcg). It has a longer half life than MK4, and in practice does not seem to worsen hair loss as much as MK4.


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Because decalcifation and a slight raise in test levels are completely different mechanisms of action

How genetically challenged are you people? I've done cycles of a gram of test a week with no hairloss.

These test gains are nothing.


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Because decalcifation and a slight raise in test levels are completely different mechanisms of action

How genetically challenged are you people? I've done cycles of a gram of test a week with no hairloss.

These test gains are nothing.

How genetically challenged are you people?

How f*****g smug of you.

Lemme guess, probably a NW1.5 with some slight thinning, right? Even in hair loss, there are the privileged and the poors and it shows on these forums.

You've done cycles, so what? That just shows your hair loss is probably nowhere near as fast or aggressive as some people's here.


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You're starting to see the forest instead of the trees.

It also antagonizes estrogen:

One is wild theory (it will prevent decalcification and help hair loss) by broscientists, the other is reality (it will boost T and antagonize E and worsen hair loss).

Now, the problem becomes, when you have super low Vitamin D like me, dangerously low. Then you need to take Vitamin D, but if you take Vitamin D alone, you get bone pain because it has to be taken with Vitamin K together. Now what? Then you take Vitamin K2 MK7 (100 mcg). It has a longer half life than MK4, and in practice does not seem to worsen hair loss as much as MK4.

raising T make you lose more hair? where did yo uread that?. A lot stuff that are helpfull for hairloss actually raise T. I take a sup containing k2/d/a + testo boosters (zinc..) and my shedding is still under control. One thing I have noticed is that I bleed more when I do my dermaroll session, but maybe(surely) this is the wounding itself that fights calcfification and not the bone supp I take.. Well I doubt. I don't say you need to skyrocket the testo levels but if it's high but within the range that's fine I'd say.


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I think more test more hairloss i was using ZMA and fina at the same time my hairloss increased like crazy


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I think more test more hairloss i was using ZMA and fina at the same time my hairloss increased like crazy
You think zma can increase free or Total T?
At what dosage ? It Is very very unlikely
Of course finasteride is a potent dht blocker so you're gonna experience some hormonal transiction


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the supposed benefit of vitamin K2 is to do with reversing calcification, not to do with the androgenic hormones or estrogen. I remain dubious about K2 (generally, whenever there is some substance morons on the internet are pretending is a panacea out of nowhere, I'm very sceptical) but we are now (or should be) aware that there tissue fibrosis and calcification involved in the long term development of male pattern baldness, and is probably the primary reason why it is so hard to reverse after a while.

Amusingly, this is also helps fit into the puzzle of how male pattern baldness is related to atherosclerosis.... K2 is being investigated for possibly reversing atherosclerosis, another condition which presents with calcification. Dont hold your breath however, drug companies will do their damndest to get that research shelved even if its only of small significance.

Is K2 going to cure male pattern baldness? 8ball says DOUBT IT. Does it hurt to try? Not really!


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The systems of the body are so complex.

Is raising Test "bad" for us? That depends - are we talking about raising all androgens, with Test being the main one? Or are we talking about elevating Test by way of tilting the hormone balance away from DHT & Estrogen? Etc. The systems of the body are very complex & interrelated. Don't start thinking you understand the whole mess just because you grasp a couple of basics.

Better general health & youthful hormone profile = less hair loss. This is usually the bottom line.
Bad general health is not the main reason why we are balding. But it contributes to the process.