How It Looks A Shaved Head That Went Through A Fue Hair Transplant After 5-10 Years? (both Donor And


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Hello Everyone,

This isn’t going to be a short post, so if you are going to take your time t oread carefully, I Will appreciate so much. I’ll try to get to the point tho.

I must also say that English is not my main language, so if something is not clear to understand, my apologies and of course I’m open to clarify every point or aspect of this post.

I’m planning on doing a FUE Hair Transplant. I already know which Clinic and Doctor (it is not a low-cost clinic from Turkey) I’m going to be and I almost have everything planned, however I have a few open points that stop me to do that.

In order to understand them, It is better to begin this with the beginning.

I’m 28 years old. I started to lose hair at 25, or maybe sooner but in that age it was when I started to notice it. I have diffuse thinning with more aggresive los in the frontline, however, the midscal and the Crown are starting to look thinner everyday.

Like everyone who discovers tha hard truth, I started to prove things such as Minoxidil and Finasteride in order to stop it without need any hair transplant.

I first started with Minoxidil and it didn’t work quite well. If I had any changes after a year, I didn’t notice them. I stopped after 1 year since I didn't get any improvement. Then I started with Finasteride. Apparently the pill worked to stop my hair los, however I got the famous sexual side effects. I know what a lot of you are gonna tell me: They might be psychological, but believe me, they are not. I tried all the posible combinations in order to prevent them: 1mg daily, 0,5 daily, 1mg 3-4 days a week, different brands... And I always got them: Couldn’t get a 100% full erection. Maybe 50%-70%, but not enough to enjoy sex and my erection didn’t last as long as they last before I took the pill. Maybe some of you tells my that things such as stress might affect my libidio or my capacity to get a full erection, but believe me, i spent periods in my life with huge stress (full-time work + master degree studies + a lot of personal problems) and I never had any difficulty to get a full erection if I wasn't taking the pill. So I guess the pill it affected my sexual system in some way.

So, after trying the 2 most famous and clinical approved methods to prevent my hairloss and see how it failed, I just passed and kept on my life. I went ok during 1-2 years, but since 1 year ago the hairloss turned more noticeable, which make me use fibers in order to hide it, but these are another patch that doesnt last forever.

So finally, I decided to perform a hair transplant. I know what a lot of you are thinking after reading my failure to prevent my hairloss with Finasteride: Dude, you might cover your front scalp with a hair transplant, but the hairloss Will continue and the you Will go bald in the midscalp and the Crown. Yeah, I know, but for me this is only a way to gain some years with hair. If I can choose between shaving my head today or keep a decent look for 5 or even 10 years it worths to me, so I though, ok lets go.

But, and here it comes the main point of the discussion: Lets assume I go for the hair transplant, everything goes ok and I after 1 year I have a good hairline. Hurra! Yeah, ok but I will keep losing the remaining hair in the midscalp and the Crown. So one day I decide to shave my head in case I don’t want to go through a second hair transplant, how am I gonna look? Then, these are the two question that raise from this point:

1- If I go for a FUE Hair Transplant for, lets say, 3000 UFS, Will my donor área get White dots or scars that are noticeable once I shave my head?

2- How the transplanted hair looks once you shave it? I know that it looks well enough with enough lenght, but are these treatmens ready for a natural look when you shaved them?

This is the main point that holds me for going through this. I’m thinking in the long run because I’m only 28, and I want to take the Good decisión not only taking into account how Will I look after 1 year, but 5, 10, 15 or 20. I know that if I don’t take Finasteride, I won’t freeze my hair loss and I Will eventually need to shave my head if I don’t want to look bald with only my transplanted hair, so I woner how Will I look with a shaved look once I got these FUE treatment on my donor area as well as my recipient area.

Are there any pictures or testimonies that Will help me to get a better idea on what look I Will have once I decide to go through this?

Sorry for the long post and thank you very much for reading.


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It's hard to say dude. Generally speaking, without an anti androgen, if you are destined for a high Norwood, the probability of success with a transplant is low.

I also have aggressive loss and am contemplating something similar to your plan. However, I think combining SMP + FUE may be the better play, although I'm not sure.


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Yeah, i thought that SMP combination with FUE might work if I finally decide to shave my hair several years after doing the hair transplant. Just cover the white dots on my donor area along with the rest of the scalp. However, is SMP a good technique in the long run? Doesn't the ink spread over the skin with the past of the years? I dont want to go from a little points that simulate a shaved head to a "painted" head since the micropigmentation ink has spread on my skin with the past of the years.


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I've never really seen it in person so I can't say, pictures can be misleading.

I've heard there is a "temporary smp" that fades on its own, basically to avoid this situation, but without seeing it in person I'd be hesitant to take the plunge for it.