how long a break from propecia before starting a family ??


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i have been taking 1/2 a milligram (i cut a tab in half) of propecia for the last 2 and half years and am 41 and have maintained my hair. so far so good. receding temples but no hair loss otherwise.

i wish to start a family this year and get my wife pregnant. from what i read i should refrain from taking propecia for the three months prior to getting her pregnant,

is this safe enough, should it be longer,,?? shorter ???

dont want too long also so my hair hangs in there..and doesnt disappear

anyone have any advice ??



Established Member
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Dude you're 41! Don't worry about going bald at your age, loads of guys do. If I wasn't going bald till your age I would be in heaven! I'd probably even kill for it...

I'm sure I read somewhere that the only problem arises is if the pregnent mother comes into contact with crushed finasteride (or finasteride dust), and there is no problem conceiving when you are on finasteride, so 3 months will be fine.

You may want someone to confirm this though


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The FDA has removed any restriction on the use of finasteride prior to conceiving a child. Don't worry about it. Keep using the Propecia.



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re family

thanks all...feel better re having deformities on family now..etc

re--having hair at 41 yes its great, but it is still never easy to lose it. My brothers are 46, and 43 and are half bald. im 41 and not, so finasteride works, but as im sure you are all aware it lowers my sex drive by 40 percent, not 5 percent, as some say, it really lowers it.

still i love hair, my partner needs more sex though.

thanks for the advice.


Re: re family

michael1000 said:
thanks all...feel better re having deformities on family now..etc

re--having hair at 41 yes its great, but it is still never easy to lose it. My brothers are 46, and 43 and are half bald. im 41 and not, so finasteride works, but as im sure you are all aware it lowers my sex drive by 40 percent, not 5 percent, as some say, it really lowers it.

still i love hair, my partner needs more sex though.

thanks for the advice.

Michael1000, Read the june Hairlosstalk article on propecia and pregnancy, it is very detailed and explains the reasons why propecia is now considered safe during conception, someone might like to post how you get to it as it is gone from the menu above and I don't know where to find it.

About the only thing to note in the article is a piece about sex during pregnancy, in particular during the time the male genitals are forming in the fetus.

If Propecia is causing a lowered sex drive you might want to consider looking into supplimenting the amino acid L-Arginne, it is a pre-cursor to nitric-oxide and helps 'down stairs' Do a search through these threads there is plenty of info and feedback on it.

Also I think it's funny when people think that they would not have a problem with hairloss when they are 30/40/50/60 (delete as applicable), self image does not desert you on your 29th birthday.

good luck



michael1000 said:
cant get larginne in australia. dont know why...thanks for the advice



(that is Arginine with a L- in front of it to denote the natural more bio-avaliable version)

not larginine

This stuff is as common as Aspirin and vitimin C
You should find it in any health food shop (often in the weight lifting suppliments)

It is quite cheap too.



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I am a proud uncle of a healthy baby boy as of 2 weeks ago and my brother in law is on propecia (with a nice Regimen adjunct I got him on) and they addressed this issue to the doctor. The doctor said to not worry about it and she was right as he is doing just fine.


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The chances of hurting a child when using propecia is very small. But most people does not want to take the chance. But it's up to you.