How long before side effects?


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Hey everyone, this is my fist post on this website, which I am very glad to have found. Anyway, on to my problem.

I have been taking 1.25 mg of finasteride daily for 9 months now and it seems very promising. But I have never really had a problem with side effects until this week. My erections haven't been completely full and masturbating just takes a lot more work.

I'm not sure if it's just in my head or what, because I was making out with this girl and feeling her up about 2 weeks ago and I could've knocked a hole in the wall with my dick. This week, not so much.

Maybe it's because I've been getting no exercise these days, but I figured I should ask: To those who experience sexual sides, how soon into your finasteride regimen did they kick in? 9 months seems like a strange time.


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For those prone to them, side effects can strike at any time, everyone is different.

I got a limp dick within 3 days of starting but stupidly continued on thinking it was par for the course of "adjusting" to the drug... unfortunately this and other side effects experienced never abated even after quitting.

I'd suggest you get your bloodwork done, you may find you have elevated estradiol levels, low free testosterone and other imbalances. Could be it's just taken this long (9 months) for your hormones to get out of whack and manifest as the issues you are having now.


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Well thanks for the reply, but apparently I was just being paranoid. The Sex drive is back with a vengeance. It must have been the stress I was under last week.