how long before the redness is gone?


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I´m considering getting work done on my temples, but I guess I have a somewhat limited timeframe of how long I can stay away from school, friends and family.. How long does it normally take before it stops showing that you´ve had surgery? cheers :)


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At least 2 weeks.


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dudemon said:
I still had some redness 2 months post op. But I had a larger procedure (2000 grafts) my last time in the chair. So it depends a lot on your skin type, etc...

Most of the redness was gone about 1 month post op, but it took 3 to 4 months for it to be completely unnoticeable. I stayed away for 2 months post op, and I just said "I have a sunburn" when I returned and nobody suspected anything. But if I would have returned any sooner, I don't know if their reaction would have been the same.

wow.. that´s really quite a long time. Were you happy with your results? Also, did you get FUE or strip?


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Hey dudemon,

I have two questions for you,

First, why did you decided to go on strip and not FUE?

Second, after hair transplant you still have to take finasteride and use minoxidil?


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If you had your first hair transplant today do you think you would go for FUE instead?


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dudemon said:
captain_que said:
who´s the best on FUE? Feller, no?

I do not have an answer for you. I know he is certainly one of the best. However, there are many others that may or may not be more suitable for your individual needs.

Dr. Arvin Poswal in India has done a lot of FUE and the most BHT I believe. (maybe it's the other way around ?)

Dr. Woods in Australia has done the most FUE (and the first to do FUE) I believe. (not that I recommend him, as I've read some bad things about Woods)

Also, having done the most doesn't necessarily make them the best. Neither does the fact that they were one of the first.

There are many others such as: Shapiro, Harris, Cole, Rahal, Umar, Epstein (or is it Bernstein - I forget?), and Rose, and several others. All of which are worth looking into.

So, Feller is high on my list, but I may choose someone else when I get ready to make a decision.

Thanks dudemon. You wrote in some other post, can´t remember which one, that once you get a hair transplant it´s a lifelong commitment, and that it´s sort of a caroussel you can´t get off. Would you say the same goes for FUE? I´d imagine not, but it would be interesting to hear from someone who´s had surgeries.