How Long Does Hair Transplant Last?


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Dear all,

i'm curious to know that Is Hair Transplant is permanent solution or temporary? Because this question comes always into my mind that i always have to stick with Minoxidil and Propecia even after hair transplant.

I have one more doubt that Propecia causes sexual related disorder. Is it right?

Many thanks,

P Shahnwz


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The transplanted hairs will stay as long as they would have done in their original location. So as long as your 'horseshoe' doesn't thin out at any time then those hairs are permanent.
The real problem is that the balding process will carry on behind the transplant. So you will have to continue having hair transplants to fill in the bald spots until you have no 'safe' donor hair remaining.
To counter this problem you will need to use propecia and minoxidil for ever to try and stop the balding process.

Propecia does cause sexual side effects for some but others have none at all. Those who do get side effects, they sometimes subside after time but in some they don't and they have to quit. In a very small percentage, people have persistant problems even after they have stopped taking the drug.
So there are dangers to propecia, but it really is your best weapon against baldness. I have minor sides but i'm hoping they will subside.


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It can cause risk of injury or even death

How does that work? Can't say I've heard of anyone dying from a hair transplant.


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