How long does it take saw palmetto to leave the system


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Hey guys,

I was taking saw palmetto for about 1.5 months and I believe I was having sides... This was unacceptable to me so I have stopped using it for about 3 months but i still think I am having slight sides; how long does it take for this stuff's effect to be completely gone from the system? Thanks.


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Dood I had the same sides

I couldnt ge tit up all the way not cool

I had sides with propecia as well, so i might try the saw again and use yohimbe and some other herbs to bring it back up

Other than that, you should be ok after a few days

I was


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I had those same sides on saw palmetto of 320 mg a day in liquid gel caps. I quit and it took like maybe a few months to get back to normal. Im very sure it wasnt a placebo effect which is what I really thought it was at first. The time to leave your system though depends on how much you take and the individual person no studies or data exists on supplements so its anyones guess.


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So its unlikely and permanent damage can be done correct? I've been off it for maybe 6 months and I still don't feel completely back to normal yet... close, but not completely.


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Ouroboros said:
So its unlikely and permanent damage can be done correct? I've been off it for maybe 6 months and I still don't feel completely back to normal yet... close, but not completely.
did you recover from the sides yet?



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It will probably continue to slowly go. Those trying to limit the sides of finasteride IMO should try something like I3C (particularly for sides like gyno) :)

Possibly even flax seeds, but that could make it worse o_O