How Long Does Minoxidil Usually Work For?


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I've never tried Minoxidil because I'm scared of the shed and I'm a diffuse thinner. My hairs thinning on the top my head like crazy, hair line isn't receeding that much (compared to the others on the forum) but I'm only 21. I remember reading that you can't actually use minoxidil for a long time as it just stops working? Wondering how long the average time is for that? A year or two?

Kind Regards,


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Hi ForeverLacey,

Ok so for example would Minoxidil still perhaps work after 5 years of using it? I understand it won't work as effectively but I've read on the forum that minoxidil stops working entirely after 2 years use? Is that true? I've heard the human body just rejects it?


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Minoxidil will not stop working. It just does nothing to prevent Androgenetic Alopecia.

So lets say you use it and after a year you have +20% in density. It will always give you +20% in density from where you would be without it. So in this scenario, if without minoxidil you were going to lose 10% density every year due to balding, then after 2 years on minoxidil you would be back to where you started, after 3 years you would be -20% from where you started, and so on. But if your balding is slower, and you were only going to lose 5% per year, then it would take 4 years on minoxidil to get back to where you started.

I hope this makes sense.

Also how much it helps you varies from person to person, regardless of how fast you are balding. Some might see only +3%, some might see +30%.


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If you're a minoxidil responder it will slow down the appearance of balding without actually stopping the balding process