How long has it been since you've had a proper haircut?


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I just buzzed my hair again this morning because while I am seeing some progress as my hair grows out the sides are really thick and start to poof out while the top is a bit lifeless and the widows peak gets more noticeable. As I was doing it I started thinking about how long this has been my ritual and that I haven't been to the barber since my sophomore year in college (5 years ago). It's probably saved me quite a bit of cash over the years but I kind of miss those times of walking to the barbers and shooting the sh*t with the Russian dudes that used to cut my hair. I really hope I can get my hair back to the point I can get an actual styled haircut and not be too embarrassed to sit in that barber shop chair again. I remember the last time I went I was 19 and the guy asked "so are you studying or working?" and I said "well, both" and he said "oh, that's why you're losing your hair you study too hard". I felt pretty crappy and haven't gotten a proper haircut since.


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I go 1/2 inch on the sides and 1.5 on top, with my buzzer. I don't pay for hair cuts. I got it down and save money and look like professionally done. I buzz every 3 weeks or so. Probably do for it again. I found the ideal length. Any shorter or any longer looks bad, but the right length looks good on me. I have to memorize which guards to use, but might just through out the others so I don't mistakenly use them.


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But how the hell do you manage to blend them? It looks retarded with a line where 1 side of it is 1.5 inches of hair, and on the other side, .5 inches.


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I try and go at least once a month. The little hair I have actually grows really fast. The place I go to charges $10 for a haircut so it doesn't hurt the wallet too bad.


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I get a haircut once a month. It takes me exactly about a month before the sides get too heavy.

My haircuts have been getting shorter and shorter for 2-3 years now.


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barcafan said:
But how the hell do you manage to blend them? It looks retarded with a line where 1 side of it is 1.5 inches of hair, and on the other side, .5 inches.

I use the shorter one to blend. I can blend behind my head without even rubbing the guard against my skull. I free hand it. And it looks good. You'd never know I did it myself, unless I mess up somehow, which happens every 4th time or so.

uncomfortable man

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I need a barber like I need birth control pills.


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you guys must all have much better hair than me if you're still going to the barber. :( Oh well here's hoping I'll get to that point someday.


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Yeah, if I had good hair, I might go to the barber, or I still might save money with my own clippers. I do a pretty good job. I think I'd gel my hair though. I can't gel my hair now though since it would totally give away how thin I am.


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cleverusername said:
why was this moved here? f*ck whoever moved this.



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You are right that the longer it gets, the balder I look. I don't know why.

It took me a while to find my ideal look. I actually don't know if it is my ideal look, but my hair looks best this way compared to some other cuts I did.

I found two guard settings: one for the top, and the other for the side bottoms. Then I fade free handed. I don't need a mirror either. I just use the mirror to see if I missed a spot.

I look a lot younger after my cut though. $12 every 2 weeks? I'd never spend that money unless she was GOOD.


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dudemon said:
The girl I go to does an awesome job and she only charges me $12. She has got it down - it takes her about 3 minutes to cut my hair! :mrgreen: Wam-bam thank you mam!

Hahaa.. One of my friends used to time his haircuts. I think the longest haircut he had was 5 mins :woot: . It's exactly how you describe it. Then he realised he can do it himself, he got clippers for $20 and just did it at home .

I have to agree with CCS, $12 for a 3 min job is a bit OTT. I pay around $12 as well, but it takes her 10-15 mins.

Which reminds me... I'm gonna visit her tomorrow morning :sobbing:. I hate having haircuts.... I miss the days I didn't care about my hair and had a haircut once every 3-4 months :sobbing:. The longest I've gone without a haircut was 3 years :hairy: .


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I used to go to a one of several fancey-schmancey salons - but now for convenience sake and cost savings I stop around the corner on my way home from work and see this this old, 1/2 blind guy.

Every haircut is an adventure.