How Long Have You Been Taken Propecia


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Hi all,
It's been an incredibly long time since I've been on this forum and it's mostly because I stopped trying things and just stuck with Propecia because it's worked for me. Last week I got an email from the forum and I answered a questions and started reading. I got to the section on Propecia and the neurological effects it may have and I honestly think I have some of them and I'd like to stop, and have thought about stopping before but never did. I don't want to get into a discussion about people opinions on the effects but I was curious how long people who are on Propecia have been taking Propecia? And if you stopped, I'm assuming you lost all your hair?

Reason is, I've been taking Propecia for 22 years and it seems like a long time and I'm not sure if other's have taken it this long? For the record it did grow back my bald spot in the back of my head and as far as I can tell has helped me keep the hair I have.


g.i joey

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What kind of side effects do you think you're experiencing? I know you said neurological but can you go more in depth?? Also, how many years in do you think they started effectIng you? And if it's been a while did they get worse? It's rare you see 20+ year users here so you're input is appreciated and valued. Thanks man


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Wow you are a true propecia veteran! Well done for doing so good for so long. I think you know this anyway but if you stop propecia you are going to be completely bald within a year. Are some side effects really that significant for you to drop what has saved your hair, your social life and probably got you married to a beautiful wife? The sudden change would be drastic and you will never get your hair back if you stop lose it all and restart. Think very carefully about this because once you stop popping that pill there is no way back.


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What mental sides have you had? I'm guessing you're probably in your 40s at least. If your sides are things like "forgetfulness" and "fatigue" it's probably just sh*t that happens to anyone at that age on finasteride or not.


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Hey guys,
I was really just wondering if anyone else has been on it as long as me, I'm 44 now. Started taking it as soon as it came to market. Unfortunately this is all I've known for so long I don't know if they're side effects or not.
I've heard before I'll lose all my hair but I may try something topical to stop it, but maybe I wont lose all my hair. In other words I'm not sure how bald I would have gotten had I not started taking finasteride. I can't say when this started because it's all I've known. I'm married now with 2 kids and a beautiful wife and although I think physiologically it will be hard to cope with going bald at 1st, I think I'll get over it it time. I've talked about it with my wife and she doesn't care.

What I feel is:

Fog Brain - think everyone knows about this

I have literally no memory - I can't remember anything at work. I actually got tested for this by doing a physiological evaluation and the diagnosis was slight ADHD even though I repeatably let her know that propecia may have something to do with this, she didn't seemed to concerned.

incredibly tired at times - like brain dead tired, for no reason at all it seems. I feel like my brain just shuts off and I could roll my eyes into the back of my head and fall asleep anywhere.

Very hard time staying focused when at work - the doctor who did the test prescribed Ritalin for this and it seems to have helped.

Dizzy spells, light headiness, mind wanders for no reason

Sometimes I spell and say words in the wrong order and don't realize I'm doing it

Jack Ito

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If you've been on finasteride for 20+ years and your hair's condition hasn't changed a lot since starting the medication then who knows, there's a chance you might not even lose all your hair.

There's been many cases reported online where individuals have panicked at a younger age, jumped on finasteride for years to eventually withdraw and realise their hair loss isn't as aggressive as first anticipated. It's also very rare to find people who have had success with the drug for so long. For the vast majority it eventually stops working after the 10 year mark due to their hair becoming increasingly sensitive to the DHT making it unable to prohibit it any longer. The fact you've surpassed the expectancy by an extra 12 years is something to be hopeful for.

g.i joey

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Agreed with above poster, you most likely don't have aggressive hairloss and were never destined to be a high Norwood if finasteride held your hair in place for 22 years, if you've had continued recession over the years then that's another story.


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that's bullshit.. Propecia is definitely the reason he kept all of his hair considering he regrew his bald spot with it and maintained the regrowth. If you get off of it you most likely will lose ground.

So much broscience on here. Part of why I don't go on this website at all. Just because Propecia did its job doesn't mean that he didn't have aggressive hair loss.


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I haven't noticed a difference in my hair for probably 10 years now. I started taking finasteride because of a bald spot in the back and thinning up top. The bald spot is gone and I grew hair there but the top is still there but has looked the same for probably 10 years now, some days it looks thicker than other but I assume that's just the growing pattern. My assumption is that the finasteride is keeping the stuff on top that I have and if I stop is will fall out, but again, who knows. Maybe it will stay and I'll just get the bald spot in the back again. Which I this point I could care less about.

I should mention it wont be the end of the world for me if it falls out. However, if these "side effects" don't go away when I stop then why stop? Which is why I'm asking if it's normal, or has anyone else been on it for this long? Christ, for all I know this hormone has been blocked for so long my body may not have the ability to make it on it's own anymore. For the record I've had zero sexual side effects. I'm 44 and still have fun with the wife several times a week with no issues....

g.i joey

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So you're really concerned about the side effects mainly? Why don't you start by skipping a day or 2 here and there or maybe cutting the dose in half daily (.5mg) and take it from there? You can assess your hairs state after a month or 2 and many members vlaim reduction in severity of sides when they reduce the dose. You can also look at it as a tapering off method so that you don't throw your hormones a curve ball and just cease treatment out of nowhere. Also, get a blood test and check Test, free test, estrogen... id bet a lot of your sides is due to high estrogen levels/ low test


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GI Joey - That's the plan. I've been taking in Mon - Fri since I started taking it. Never did 7 days. Like you mentioned if I quit I don't think cold turkey is a good idea because it would be a shock to my system. I plan on cutting down to Mon- Wed - Fri. and see what happens. Thanks for the blood test suggestion. I just had a blood test for life insurance and I'm sure that info is on there because everything else was. How do I know what's normal for Test and Estr?


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that's bullshit.. Propecia is definitely the reason he kept all of his hair considering he regrew his bald spot with it and maintained the regrowth. If you get off of it you most likely will lose ground.

So much broscience on here. Part of why I don't go on this website at all. Just because Propecia did its job doesn't mean that he didn't have aggressive hair loss.

Lol, you're here every time when finasteride's long-term efficiency is brought up. You're trying to convince yourself.

g.i joey

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GI Joey - That's the plan. I've been taking in Mon - Fri since I started taking it. Never did 7 days. Like you mentioned if I quit I don't think cold turkey is a good idea because it would be a shock to my system. I plan on cutting down to Mon- Wed - Fri. and see what happens. Thanks for the blood test suggestion. I just had a blood test for life insurance and I'm sure that info is on there because everything else was. How do I know what's normal for Test and Estr?

That's disappointing to hear as I only take it 3-5x a week as well, I thought this was the main reason why I've been side effect free for the past year on it but I guess your story shows that skipping a couple days doesn't change much, I'm curious and have to ask again, how many years in did you start to notice these cognitive side effects?

They usually have reference ranges for hormones listed on your blood test sheet, but extensive google researching would tell you what estro and test should be FOR YOUR AGE as the reference ranges are used for people of all ages.


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'm curious and have to ask again, how many years in did you start to notice these cognitive side effects?

It's tough to say because I've been on it so long, I just always thought "it was me" I would probably say about 7 years ago is when I really started to notice. It started when I realized I couldn't remember anything at work, the smallest things I would just forget. Then I got a new role where I need to know a lot and I couldn't absorb anything new. I started to realize I should know a lot more and be much smarter about what I'm learning but I couldn't take anything in. Then I thought back to when I was a kid in school and from what I could recollect I always had issues paying attention, remembering things, taking tests etc. so I dismissed it. The fog brain is getting worse which is why I'm bringing it up again.

Aside from all this, I used to smoke weed pretty much every night in my mid 20's and through my mid 30's so I just thought weed was the reason for the memory loss. IDK though, there's just been too many instances lately were I just have a cloudy mind and can't think, my mind wonders and when I drive home it feels like my brain just wants to turn off. It could be finasteride in could not, the bottom line is I'm thinking it's time to take this chemical out of my body, especially since it may not even be doing anything anymore.

I've also talked to other people who have the same issues at work and they tell me I can't absorb things because I just don't care. " The same thing happens to me too" they say. My doctor told me that as well, if I'm not interested I'm not going to learn. If I'm interested in something and want to learn it, I'm laser focused.

g.i joey

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if I'm not interested I'm not going to learn. If I'm interested in something and want to learn it, I'm laser focused.

Thanks for the thorough response, what i quoted here is textbook A.D.D, which is what i was diagnosed with in highschool. Ive still managed to get myself through college, start a business and now am in university without meds, i hated the way they made me feel in highschool, super depressive and zombie mode.

Actually, my brother whos been on propecia for 8 years now takes adderall, sometimes he tells me he takes them in excessive amounts, so i wouldnt be surprised if a stimulant like adderall/ritalin would help reduce cognitive sides, but amphetamines is a horrible addition to propecia, id get rid of the ritalin/adderall as they are quite addictive for some people (my brother), you made it so far in life without any stimulants i doubt you really need them now.

i smoke weed every night as well once my day is done, but i know so many people who do, some who have sh*t memory and some of us have great memory short/long term, i started smoking young though at like 12 years old so im sure it took some sort of toll on me lol, but i dont think you can attribute your weed smoking past to what you feel now, its more likely to be propecia imo.

Overall, aside from these cognitive sides, do you show symptoms of depression? thanks again man, just trying to evaluate if this drug is worth it long term or if im gonna stop taking it once i get a little older, im really just betting on finasteride to make it through my 20s, its really the most i can expect out of this drug considering my dad was nw5 by 23 and im nw2.5-3 at 24. Ive noticed some minor loss within this year of treatment as well, not much recession but i feel as ive lost density, specifically this summer.


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Overall, aside from these cognitive sides, do you show symptoms of depression?

Nope, nothing! I got wicked anxiety attacks from smoking weed, which is why I've stopped doing that. LOL.
No depression, no suicidal thoughts, no ED. In fact, I forgot I was even on finasteride because there was nothing in my life that reminded me that I was on it. Until, like I said about 5 - 7 years ago I stumbled upon the cognitive thinking stuff and started thinking... "hmmm I wonder"? To elaborate on above, I took a 4 hour exam where they basically tested my brain functions, it was brutal - I could feel my brain being tired and after that is when they told me I had minor ADHD, and I only take Ritalin once in awhile, it's not an everyday thing. I've also had 2 concussions in my life (before the age of 16) one was pretty severe and the doctor said that may have something to do with my mind as well but couldn't be sure.

Happy to help if I can with my experience.

michel sapin

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22 years on propecia ? wow .
So it regrew your hair an you maitained it ?
YOU ARE lucky !

no gynecomastia after such a long time on it ?

g.i joey

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Nope, nothing! I got wicked anxiety attacks from smoking weed, which is why I've stopped doing that. LOL.
No depression, no suicidal thoughts, no ED. In fact, I forgot I was even on finasteride because there was nothing in my life that reminded me that I was on it. Until, like I said about 5 - 7 years ago I stumbled upon the cognitive thinking stuff and started thinking... "hmmm I wonder"? To elaborate on above, I took a 4 hour exam where they basically tested my brain functions, it was brutal - I could feel my brain being tired and after that is when they told me I had minor ADHD, and I only take Ritalin once in awhile, it's not an everyday thing. I've also had 2 concussions in my life (before the age of 16) one was pretty severe and the doctor said that may have something to do with my mind as well but couldn't be sure.

Happy to help if I can with my experience.

soo many factors could be at play, its a red flag when you only started to experience these sides after READING about them, i once thought i had HIV after sleeping with a girl and getting a sore throat 2 weeks after, just because i read it online...

IMO i think after 22 years you could afford a little break from propecia to gauge what extent this drug has effected you, if any. You should keep us posted with updates man, alot of useful info could come from this. BUT its definitely a good sign that you havent experienced any of the other potentially brutal side effects man, kind of good to read as well as someone who's still kind of skeptical about long term finasteride use.


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Lol, you're here every time when finasteride's long-term efficiency is brought up. You're trying to convince yourself.

Listen keyboard warrior.. I'm a thick NW1. Believe me, I'm not trying to convince myself. I look in the mirror and see what the medication has done for my hair. I'm sick of reading the false broscience every time I come on here that might make newbies think it's not worth it to take it when in reality it will most likely be a side effect free life saver.