how long was your shedding with foam?


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Hie ,

I'm pierre in france. I've got two question about the foam:

1. How long was your shed with the rogaine foam. I'm on it since 2months and 10 15 days, i'm starting to freaking out....

2. I've been on minoxidil kirkland liquid for 4 month and I had very good results (and NO shed) but it irritate my head a lot, so i swith for the foam. but i'm still shedding with foam....

My question is: is it possible to be reactiv to the liquid and not to the foam? (because of alcohol, ppg??)

thanks for the infos :)


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Pierre,i am having the same experience as you. I was on the liquid for nearly 8months and maintained pretty nicely. I switched over to the foam completely in june and i have been shedding pretty bad since then. My temples have thinned out considerably and have never looked like this ever. They say that this normal however since the foam is much more stronger than theliquid and that it acutally sheds out the liquid hairs to make room for the foam to take effect. Hope this is true as i will find out in the next couple months. Best thing to do is just to ride it out and see what happens because some of the best results have come after the worst sheds.


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Thanks, yes i hope it is due to the efficience of the foam, but it is not cool for the moment... :lol:

in fact, I think I came back to the situation of my first month with minoxidil liquid. So Yes i think the foam has shed the "liquid" hairs and the ones who stay are the more strong and the thicker...Anyway I think I'll wait at least 4 months to take a decision.
And in my hairline, some "minoxidil foam" hairs have grown up, not only velus but 5 10 hairs approximatly have really grown up so I'm "self confident" ;)

....And i think (maybe...) the shedd is slowing down since 3 yes just ride out... :freaked:


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2 weeks, sheds come and go still.


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I have also experienced shedding with Foam in contrast to using the liquid.
Do you still shed Pierre, how is it going?


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I really don't know...

the shedd is slowing down, i don't think i'm shedding anymore, but on the third application without shampoing, sometime i've got 5 10 hairs, and sometime 20 -30....
and i have less hair on my head so i don't know if it is the reason why shedd is slowing down....
and for the moment, No regrowth...

i was on liquid before for 3 months and i had great! results?
do you think it is possible to apply foam and liquid in the evenning? or foam and liquid won't work together??


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I don't think its recommended to use them together, are you thinking of going back to the liquid, maybe try a generic one?

But really, i have never had this much shed as with the foam.


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pb with the liquid is the irritation....(if there are some tips to avoid irritation with a cream or something i"m listening :))

i was on kirkland before, i was thinking to switch for the spectral dnc if it is really the best one...??


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foam has a better absorption rate I believe, its not foam is actually stronger.