How long will it take for the shock loss to stop


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How long will it take for the shock loss to stop. I know hair lost due to shock loss may take 3/4 month to come back if it’s temporary.
But my question is how long they will keep falling( 1 week , 2 week or more).
The hair that are falling are quite thick and the way they are falling( 150 during wash) is really annoying.

I had the hair transplant 12 days back only for 800 grafts on my frontal M shape on 31[SUP]st[/SUP] august and started seeing them to fall in the first week itself.
I haven’t experience such a major hair fall in last two years.

Also , I am using finpecia(finestraside) from last two years and it has worked very well for me.

If it’s shock loss , when will it stop? I can’t see my hair falling for 3 or more months.

Please help me ..

Also I have increased my finestraside to 2mg per day? Is that harmful ????

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Can anybody please reply ..
When the shock loss loss will stop ..... ????

I had hair transplant for 800 grafts and my frontal area used to be very dense with thick hair.. but m loosing hairs now

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I have searched so much on internet , but unable to get the information i am looking for . hope this forum helps me find my answer.

1. Does hair loss in recipient area comes back? if NO why ?I have good hair in the front of head.
2. when can i expect shockloss to stop. will they keep falling for 3/4 month. I had done 800 grafts hair transplant only but have very good amount of hair

I hope i receive some answers soon


Experienced Member
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I've heard that it takes upto 4 - 5 months for hair (shock loss) to grow back. Good luck!!


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My Regimen
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I read only few weeks

How long will it take for the shock loss to stop. I know hair lost due to shock loss may take 3/4 month to come back if it’s temporary.
But my question is how long they will keep falling( 1 week , 2 week or more).
The hair that are falling are quite thick and the way they are falling( 150 during wash) is really annoying.

I had the hair transplant 12 days back only for 800 grafts on my frontal M shape on 31[SUP]st[/SUP] august and started seeing them to fall in the first week itself.
I haven’t experience such a major hair fall in last two years.

Also , I am using finpecia(finestraside) from last two years and it has worked very well for me.

If it’s shock loss , when will it stop? I can’t see my hair falling for 3 or more months.

Please help me ..

Also I have increased my finestraside to 2mg per day? Is that harmful ????

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Can anybody please reply ..
When the shock loss loss will stop ..... ????

I had hair transplant for 800 grafts and my frontal area used to be very dense with thick hair.. but m loosing hairs now

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I have searched so much on internet , but unable to get the information i am looking for . hope this forum helps me find my answer.

1. Does hair loss in recipient area comes back? if NO why ?I have good hair in the front of head.
2. when can i expect shockloss to stop. will they keep falling for 3/4 month. I had done 800 grafts hair transplant only but have very good amount of hair

I hope i receive some answers soon


My Regimen
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My Telogen Effluvium lasted for 5 months and started about a month and a half after my surgery. The hair will grow back unless the follicles were transected or damaged during surgery. Taking 2mg of Finasteride will not show anymore benefits than 1mg and if you already tolerate it well you should be fine.

I saw you live in NY--did you go out of country for your transplant or stay more local?


Established Member
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Shock loss can play out over months after hair transplant. Sad but true. Recovery will generally happen to non-miniaturized hair, but miniaturized hair will very likely not come back after shock loss.

As is the answer for most post-hair transplant questions, you must be patient. This is not easy to do, but it is often the answer.