How low should the hairline be after a surgery?


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How low should the hairline be after a hairtransplant surgery? I want to have my hairline as low as I had when I was 16-17. I hope this is possible.

Ian Curtis

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Anything is possible if you have the money. Just get a regular hairline and hope it works.


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A bad idea in almost all cases.

Unless you have no genetic balding outside of a mature hairline, you need to be conservative with it. How stupid will you look in 10 or 15 years with a NW1 hairline and no hair behind it? Or, for that matter, a 70 year old with a NW1 hairline?

NW2 is about the lowest a hairline should ever be transplanted.


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Thickandthin said:
A bad idea in almost all cases.

Unless you have no genetic balding outside of a mature hairline, you need to be conservative with it. How stupid will you look in 10 or 15 years with a NW1 hairline and no hair behind it? Or, for that matter, a 70 year old with a NW1 hairline?

NW2 is about the lowest a hairline should ever be transplanted.

:agree: Spot on.


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Goodfellas said:
How low should the hairline be after a hairtransplant surgery? I want to have my hairline as low as I had when I was 16-17. I hope this is possible.

terrible idea IMO.People simply don't have such low hairlines as they age and your hair transplant would be very obvious.

The best hair transplant's I have seen have always been the ones where guys have a receding hairline and are Norwood 3'ish.


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Ok, I guess I'll only have the hairline recommended by the hair transplant doctor recommends then.

Anyway, is it possble to "use up your donor hair" in some way? I heard some talk about this one another forum.


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Yes. You have a VERY limited donor supply using conventional methods, which is why good docs will help you "plan" your hair transplant based on future hairloss patterns.


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All your donor hair is, is the hair that grows around the back of your scalp (the remaining "horse shoe" on a bald man).
Since the back of your head doesn't have an infinite number of follicles, it is possible to use them all up.

When your donor is "depleted", it means there aren't enough follicles to take from that area without leaving it looking too thin.