How many balding men take the big 3?


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Thing is, look into your own family first off. How many people fought it? If you're anything like me, you said none. Another thing to consider is that the age of many of these men would place them at a time when Propecia wasn't available, and neither was minoxidil 5%. They didn't have the treatment options we have today. And by the time those options came around, it was already far too late for their hair to be saved.

So I'm glad I was born into this time rather than my parents' time, or their parents' time, cuz I'd REALLY be screwed otherwise.


I think it is a commonly held belief that there is no treatment for baldness, so a lot of people never look into it, I have had conversations with a few of friends who are in their thirties balding and they have never heard of propecia/minoxidil/nizoral or if they have heard of anything it will be regain/rogaine and the general view is that it is snake oil.

The shedder

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yea, my freind who is balding never heard of propecia and just started minoxidil 5%. Then again you can't differentiate a person who has a full head of hair and one who stopped his hairloss early in its tracks, hopefully this will be me in a year


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Yeah, but how many people do you see walking around who have successfully treated their male pattern baldness?

The thing is... if they really were successful, you wouldn't even be able to tell they were balding in the first place. :)

The Gardener

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Another factor in this is that the Big 3 have not been around that long. The 'older' people you see now with bald heads did not have minoxidil nor propecia at their disposal back when their male pattern baldness was beginning to take hold on them.