How many facebook friends have you got?


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At the moment I have 403 FB friends :dunno:

TBH, most of them are acquaintances.

I have 10-15 different lists for them. Ie, family, close friends, people I went to school with, ppl I went to uni with, ppl I used to work with, ppl I know from my childhood, girls I want to f*** (no success yet), etc.

Out of the 403 friends, I communicate with only 10...

I want to get rid off most of them, but I think that would be rude. I wouldn't like it if someone deletes me from his/her list...

If I ever get bored, I should count how many of them are bald/balding :punk:

optimus prime

Experienced Member
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I don't used fb that often. I started to get old school 'friends' add me who I had not been in touch with for years. I realised that I was not in touch with them for a reason and all I did was use fb to snoop on them and them to snoop on me. So I just quit using it because I speak to the friends I want to via email or phone.

I use it sometimes to update family abroad (photos). Thats all.


Senior Member
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I don't do facebook.

I tried to once, looked at it and it overwhelmed me. And annoyed me. If I can't work out how to use something fairly quickly I usually don't bother.


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Zero (not joking)