How many FUTs? - conflicting research


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Hi All,

This is a request for some help. I've started doing some research into getting a hair transplant, as this I feel is the way to go for me. Usual story of no self-esteem and feeling like crap all the time: I'm 27 and supposed to be enjoying life.

Obscure_Age_18.jpgObscure_DSCF3975 copy.jpgObscure_DSCF3978.jpgObscure_DSCF3979 copy.jpg

I asked a couple of clinics to give a rough idea of how much I'd need done, and got very different results back. Both clinics were prompt and polite in their reply: Dr A's from India and Dr Path from Thailand.

Dr A said I'd need somewhere between 3000 and 4000 units to sort out my giant bald patch...
Dr Path said I'd need about 2300.

Because of what I've read on fora like this, I'm probably more inclined to trust Dr Path, but there's still an epic difference in number of suggested grafts, even at this early stage, and so wanted some help from those who are either considering the same thing or have been through the process.
So I have some questions:

  1. which do you guys feel is more accurate a measure, given the images attached?
  2. does either estimate account for rejection of hairs or growth rate?
  3. Is a density of 40 hairs / cm[SUP]2 [/SUP]any good? I have quite fine and light brown hair so have a concern there.

Furthermore, I live in Australia - is there anyone over here who could approach the sort of prices offered in Thailand and India, when flights and accommodation are considered?

Thank you for your replies.


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I would go with Dr. Path's. No more than 2500 Follicular Unit Grafts. Regarding hair transplant in Thailand or India...mmmmm.......if I were you, I would do either 1) finding some good ones within Australia since it will be much easier and more accessible for you to have post surgery care and the touch up procedures if needed. or 2) having it done with reputable ones such as Hasson and Wong or Rahal. I know it will cost much more....


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Thanks Talmoode, that's really helpful.

Do you have any insight re density? I guess i'm fearful of a thin/flat waif of hair rather than something lifelike, as my remaining hair at the sides and back is fine but dense and light brown - no sexy black asian hair for me!


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2500 - 3000 would be my estimate, 40cm2 is pretty good coverage, and if you have fine hair like me, then that gives the best natural effect for hairlines, although the disadvantage is you need more hair transplanted, but this is something both docs are more than aware of.

Don't be confined by travel, a lot of top docs all over the world, espcially US and Canada that people travel too. Don't make any rash decisions and continue to research hair transplant's so you are a near expert on the matter, this will reduce mistakes and increase confidence, after all, there are some unscrupulous docs out there, and it's your responsibity that you don't end up sitting in their chair!

Are you currently taking anything to stop your hairloss?


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Thanks Petchsky

yes, i had figured 3000 was more realistic given fine hair and anticipated density (more in the region of 50-60/cm-square) and also to poke a few in the feeble peninsula in the middle.

I'm currently taking about 290mg saw palmetto, biotin, zinc 30mg, lycopene, and some Natural T (which apparently reduces free testosterone). It's not really aimed at restoring hair, rather to keep it in good nick while I try to tank up at the gym - counteracting the effects of creatine.

Dr Path seems to have a good rep, and has been helpful via email, albeit with a conservative estimate for grafts and density. Dr A's clinic have also been engaging via email, but I don't see them spoken of so positively in fora.



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Dr Path had the rep of being the go to guy in Thailand I believe, don't know about Dr A.

I used saw palmetto for a while and it seemed to work for me, but people state that saw palmetto's efficacy fades with continued use. Propecia is the most effective anti androgen, but yes it does come with side effects for some, which put people off, but for me the side effects experienced have been minor. I think it's best to take in smaller doses and not necessarily need to be taken everyday.

I'd look for recent patient photos of Dr Path online, the best ones are blogs by the patient, look up hair transplant network, they have a lot of patient blogs on there, that are tied to hair transplant Docs name, excellent source of information, I must have read about 500 blogs before going for my hair transplant.