How many grafts do you think I need? PICS


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Not many infact are you sure you've done everything possible with meds and topicals? Personally with that much hair I'd use concealer (whilst still trying meds) until it got worse enough to warrant surgery.


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YEs, do you think a number around 1000-1400 would be enough? s.a.f you are an expert, I count on you!!! :)


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1000 would be enough, if you're in NYC see Dr Feller.


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I'm not sure 1K would be enough.

You have similar hair to me.. but my loss is a good bit worse.

Regardless - I use concealer and get away with it.. noone thinks i've lost a hair. However, this is a huge pain in the ***.. you become psychologically dependent.. and in the long run it will rule your life.

IF you think you have stabilized loss.. and you don't have any nw6/7s in your family, i would look into a transplant now and get it over with.

I do think you need more like 2k-2.5k rather than 1k.. but it depends on your goals.

Also not sure if i'd go strip or FUE in your case. You are on the border.

Look at Hasson and Wong (send them your pics) or Shapiro for strip .. and ********, Umar, and Shapiro for FUE.

Right now the FUE success is still up in the air.. if you are willing to hang on.. i would possibly wait another year.. I think in the end, i would probably lean towards strip in your case.. H&W can make a miraculous difference for you.


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I do not want to change my hairline. Just to keep it that way. Because, If I lower it I will have the fear that I will not have enough follicles for the rest of my life. Do you think 2-2.5k? Isn't it a lot?

BTW I sent an email to Armani and he suggested 5000 grafts, at a cost of 40000$ !!!

Also, here is the post after my first procedure (with pics):

You can see that my hair cut short and under not so much light look much better. However if I have them >2cm the start looking diffused


Established Member
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It does look better in the other pics. .but man.. 500 grafts strip? Noone should be doing that type of procedure in these times with FUE available.

Armani is hilarious. 5k? LOL

i think 2K would do nicely.. get it thickened up nicely. Send something out to H&W, Rahal, and Shapiro and see what they say.


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Around 1250-1500. Armani's prices are dumb. Take a trip to Vancouver and let H&W hook you up for a fraction of the cost.


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It matters how much density you want. You are like me with dark hair and light skin which is the worst combo for density.

The photos with your hair combed forward are just conceiling the problem so the only real photo people need to see is the first one with you hair combed back.

In the near future I'm getting 1200 - 1500 strip with Shapiro to fill in my hairline. I'm not lowering my hairline at all.

Hopefully this will help you judge what you need. ... t92009.jpg


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Ok guys, thank for your replies. I did the procedure on December 12. Here are my pics. I got about 900 grafts in my temples + 80 in the frontal middle area . The doctor kept almost the same hairline, although he lowered it down a little bit (some mm's) in order to apply his hairline technique. Now I have to wait. I hope everything goes well. Any good opinions and especially any possible bad would be good to share. Besides, everything is under its way now.

PS: I am not going to publish the name of the doctor (even through pm) until 7-8 months have passed. I traveled, however, a lot of way from NY to have the surgery!


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hrm.. fair enough.. they didn't shave you down.. and FUE.. my guess is Shapiro.. at least i hope so for your sake


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Yes, I know they read forums. Actually, a well known doctor in Canada (not Armani) upon visit, gives a form where he asks where did the patient learned about him. "Internet" is one of the choices (of course) and this has sub-choices including all the known forums (Hairlosshelp, Hairlosstalk, etc). I got surprised about how industrial this specific part of surgery has become. However, when I was given this form I just decided this guy is not for me; I did not like to be seen as a product.