how many grafts in an average donor supply?


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How many grafts are there in an average person.

I have aggresive male pattern baldness, Im nw3 now @ 24 but im sure ill be around NW5/6/7 by the time im 30.

Im wondering will I be able to keep the rest of my head covered with the grafts i have avaliable in my donor assuming i have "average supply"?


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Probably a little bit more than that. On average 6000 - 8000 I'd say.
Some people have had up to 13000 !! :shock:


Established Member
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say I get to NW7 and i decide to get a hair transplant, will i get to NW3 with about 7000 grafts? (assuming crown is filled in as wel as hairline.


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mothernature said:
say I get to NW7 and i decide to get a hair transplant, will i get to NW3 with about 7000 grafts? (assuming crown is filled in as wel as hairline.

Hell no. You'd be lucky to get to Norwood 3 even from Norwood 5 with 7k grafts.