How many grafts would an NW6 need to achieve at least NW2 with decent density?

Quantum Cat

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that's an amazing transplant. I always wonder how they manage to get so much hair from the back/sides and yet it doesn't look like anything's even been removed from those areas


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Ah NicNitro, funny thing is that his transplant was from years ago, I remember reading his story back in 2004/5.

"but because of above average donor density and laxity" This is how, that and just great hair characteristics, and skillfully placing the grafts.


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His hair isn't that thick but it is a very impressive result. Assuming slick bald on top then at least 15-20k for good density. You'd never have non-male pattern baldness density which is why if I ever go the FUE/BHT route, I'm going to set my hairline at nw2/2.5 so I can get maximum density all over. Your hairline can be pretty high if your hair is thick.


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If you are a "clear NW6" then yes you probably need around 10.000 grafts, but if you have some of your hair left, then take a look at my case (in my signature) with almost 6.300 grafts. However, the Hasson case is not a NW6 I think is less than that.


New Member
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Newbie here. You say it's basically impossible to get 10,000 grafts with FUE... I'm just wondering why? Does strip yield more grafts? What if it's your first hair transplant like I
am about to go through soon, and I can get roughly 4200. Should i choose FUT and the scar, however small, or 4200 FUE: 2 days (a session of 2000+) a day...I need some advice. Thanks.