How many grafts would I need?


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I've been mulling this over for quite a while. After 20 months on finasteride and minoxidil, I'm still not happy with my hairline, recently it's been making me quite depressed, I'm just starting 10% minoxidil and 2x per day application and considering dutasteride too, but don't hold out much hope for them. I don't intend to go for anything drastic, my first priority is of course the temples. I don't intend to eliminate the temple recesses completely, rather I would like a more rounded hairline as opposed to the current wedge shape. Currently my temple recession extends into my actual top hairline too, not just the sides, it's taken a significant bite out of the top too. On the center of the hairline, its still receded, not enormously, I always had a ridiculously high hairline, but now it's patchy so I'd like to fill that in too for a more even hairline.


My goal wold be something similar to Jesse Pinkman from Breaking Bad, still quite a high hairline, but smoother, more rounded, a solid NW2 would be great.

So how many grafts would I need to achieve this? 1000? 1500? More?

If possible I would prefer to have the procedure done in Europe, I've read that Turkey and Greece could be quite good options too, offering prices for as little as €2 per graft, obviously it comes down to the doctor and their skill however, so I'm open to recommendations.

Thanks in advance!IMG_0692.jpg

Wolf Pack

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I reckon a 1000 grafts would give the aesthetic round Norwood 2 hairline no probz, maybe a bit less? It's all guess work for guys like us. Your temple points look good enough I feel. I see what you mean about the corners falling away. It may come to slightly more grafts if the surgeon decides to reinforce the entire hairline and forelock, if there is thinning within. You seem to have fine hair as opposed to thick so may need more grafts.

Good call on Jesse Pinkman, I am after a similar hair line as I used to have it too. Stick to Europe/Turkey and coalition of transplant surgeons, there's a list online somewhere. Look at cost and their previous work. Some may be better at hair line work for example.
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Jesse Pinkman is a great example of a natural high hairline. Yes, my issue is primarily the forelock. It's flat, and at the front 2 cm, patchy, doesn't look good. My temples are fine, my issue is more that my hairline doesn't extend to my temples, I want my hairline to extend all the way to my temples rather than sharply dropping off directly above the edge of my eyes. Fine hair my be an issue, but after looking at 1000 graft hair transplants, it seems like that should be sufficient, though as you mentioned, fine hair may require more grafts to achieve a decent density.

I was actually in that battle scene. Actually the day I filmed that was the day I finally stopped denying my hair loss. Came home from that battle scene and my mam told me my scalp looks red. Strange I thought, she shouldn't be able to see my scalp, how can you get sunburned through hair? See that guy in the back with the hood? They made anybody with short hair/bald guys wear hoods... Balding guys with long hair were spared...

Probably the lowest point my hair was ever at, constipated face and enormous forehead doesn't help. Fun day though!

Fred, why 0? Plenty of people with much more hair than me have had transplants and drastically improved their appearance... I was looking at your surgeon, Dr Reys, €3500 for 1000 grafts, FUE, seems quite reasonable...

Anyway, I won't have time for a transplant until next summer at the earliest, so for now I suppose I'll just see how things go with 2x Avodart per week and 10% minoxidil per morning, 5% per night. I'll report back if there's anything of note to report. My avodart question thread was closed, not sure why, maybe for asking medical advice? I thought that was the point...

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Actually Fred, you don't have a higher hairline than me, or if you do it appears less severe because you have a better head shape. I'm almost certain my hairline, at least the forelock of your hairline is lower than mine. The guy with the topic below mine has hair greed, I just want to restore a better shape hairline, not alter the position. I can live with a high hairline, but the shape is not good


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Everyone is different Fred, I think you made an excellent decision and seem to have a great plan, I know what you're saying, and I'm certainly not going to rush into it. I will be seeing a hair transplant specialist in August for my two year update and I'll discuss it with him.

I was never bald, I never experienced the social isolation baldness can cause, nor rejection from women due to baldness or balding jokes. But I've seen it, I'm acutely aware of how bad it is to be an NW4 or 5 twenty or thirty something. I'm an NW2(ish), with an ENORMOUS forehead, fine hair and very high hairline. My hairline is not a good shape, and it is patchy/thin at the front. I would feel more confident with a better hairline shape, and if only subconsciously, others would perceive the subtle improvement, and my styling options would be better. If nothing else, I would be less self conscious, and that alone would make it worthwhile. I will of course consider all opinions, especially my specialist when I meet him


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Absolutely, i popped my first dutasteride tonight, who knows, it maybe enough... You still have a ways to go with finasteride and you haven't given minoxidil a chance yet. A hair transplant is one of the last resorts if drugs and meds haven't given desired results. It's a strong possibility now, but if avodart made just a little improvement, maybe I would hold out a few years on the hair transplant. I'll give Avodart a year and if necessary next summer book a hair transplant.

Wish I could grow a beard man, most balding dudes can, but not me but I'm one of those dudes who's going bald, yet has very little body hair. My facial hair is pretty thin and patchy, not good enough for beard growth. No chest hair, not particularly hairy arms either. 1 or 2 day very light stubble is okay, no more than that.

I did hope I would look like Gandalf in my 60s or 70s in my younger years, but that's unlikely now, however the prospect of having a good hairline and decent density throughout my 30s and 40s is not entirely unreasonable.

Yeah I noticed that too, the Hipster look, that haircut everyone has these days, ****ing everywhere. Walk into Topman, I guarantee you all the dudes there will be rocking that style! It's a good look, though not one I'd personally try, even if my hair did improve, it wouldn't work with my forehead!