how many grefts do i need ?


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i'm suffering hairloss since i'm 16 years old. now i'm 22 and my hair is almost gone. i used to have long hair and i used to love taking care of my hair. that's why i'm in deep depression and i want my hair back. i'm thinking about hair transplant now. due to my financial problems, the number of grefts that i need is important for me and i need your opinion with this. my donor area has dark black and very thick hair and i heard that is an advantage.

also i request some help with finding a good surgeon. i'm living in turkey and i might think about travelling some other places in europe for a good surgery but going u.s is kinda impossible for me. i see many results that don't look natural and to be honest, that freakens me. natural look is more important than the density for me. can you give me some suggestions depending on my priorities ?


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No point in having any surgery if you're not using something to halt your hairloss. You need to get on finasteride first and wait a year to see if its working.


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s.a.f said:
No point in having any surgery if you're not using something to halt your hairloss. You need to get on finasteride first and wait a year to see if its working.

First of all thank you for your reply. The only thing that i know is i need my hair immediately. As i told before, i really loved my hair and without it, really suffering some self-confidence problems. Hair problem is my first issue in the life that i need to solve.

I used minoxidil for almost 4 months and i achieved great results. I might tell that, my head was almost totally dark and i was surprised and happy with result. Don't exactly know why but i quit using it. After i quit minoxidil, all the hair that grew have dissapeared. In addition, i suffered more hairloss and i lost many of my own hair too. 1 year ago, my situation was not as bad as now. Now i also think about beginning it again but i wonder if i can take the same results again or not.

I'm actually afraid of using finasteride. I'm sure it will give me some good results if i use it with minoxidil but i'm afraid of possible future health problems. That's why i don't use it and don't think that i will ever begin using it. Also the idea of being addictive to something for whole the life is really disturbing me and that's why i'm trying to find a permanent solution like hair transplant.


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Get a wig.


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Ben said:
At just 22 if your not on finasteride forget about an hair transplant. You need to stabalise your hairloss. Getting an hair transplant without being on the meds is highly likely to make things worse due to your existing hair continuing to fall out.

I'm aware that my existing hair will fall down and i will completely be bald and some doctors have told me that. The thing is i think now i need that hair. One doctor told me that we can make some cures and stop the shedding and when i come to my 30's, then we make a hair transplant and solve the problem, but i'm already not happy with my current hair. Maybe when i'm 30 years old, the hair will not be so much problem for me. The only thing i know is, i shouldn't be like this at the age of 22. every age, has it's own psychology and maybe at 30's i will accept my situation because it's normal to be a bald man when you are 30 years old but it's definitely not at 22.

That's why i was thinking about 2 operations. Now i can get a hair transplant operation and when the existing hair gets thinner or disappear, maybe 2 years later another operation. Also i was thinking about getting put some low density hair also to the thinning areas, not just the headline. So after the existing hair falls down, the new ones will grow up and give me the opportunity to wait till the other operation. i don't know if it's possible or not but that's what i think.

Also if you have any other suggestions besides hair transplant, i'd be very happy to hear it. I was thinking of hair systems but they also dont look realistic.


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Ben said:
Isilra wrote:
I'm aware that my existing hair will fall down and i will completely be bald and some doctors have told me that. The thing is i think now i need that hair. One doctor told me that we can make some cures and stop the shedding and when i come to my 30's, then we make a hair transplant and solve the problem,

Do you really think getting an hair transplant will immediately solve the problem? If you do you seriously have not done any research. There is no cure for hairloss, an hair transplant will only help guys in your 20s with serious hairloss if you are on meds. What cures is this doctor you saw refering to? You are going to be waiting along time for a cure.

[quote:3fnjmcq1]but i'm already not happy with my current hair. Maybe when i'm 30 years old, the hair will not be so much problem for me. The only thing i know is, i shouldn't be like this at the age of 22. every age, has it's own psychology and maybe at 30's i will accept my situation because it's normal to be a bald man when you are 30 years old but it's definitely not at 22.
When your 30 you will still care about your appearance. Ive got six years until im 30 and I know for certain I will want a decent head of hair. You dont wake up at your 30th birthday and suddenly dont care anymore. There are people in the sixties and seventies getting hair transplants. You need to plan for the future as well as today.

That's why i was thinking about 2 operations. Now i can get a hair transplant operation and when the existing hair gets thinner or disappear, maybe 2 years later another operation. Also i was thinking about getting put some low density hair also to the thinning areas, not just the headline. So after the existing hair falls down, the new ones will grow up and give me the opportunity to wait

You only have a limited amount of donor hair so thinking just two operations and your be solved without being on meds is a foolish thing to believe. hair transplant should be used in conjunction with exisiting hair to provide a decent look. Considering you are 22 with that extent of hairloss you are going to be around a norwood 6 and you wont have enough donor hair to cover your head.

What would you do if you get transplanted into existing thin areas then these are lost within a few months due to shockloss? your plan is pretty much screwed up. You end up back to square one with a thin look.

Also if you have any other suggestions besides hair transplant, i'd be very happy to hear it. I was thinking of hair systems but they also dont look realistic.

The best suggestion besides an hair transplant at the moment is simply to use the meds. You may be surprised at how much you grow, after a year then look into an hair transplant.
We all want a great head of hair right now but in reality that just is not going to happen. The sooner you realise that the better.

All of the above are just my opinions. All im trying to do help is you make a sensible decision that you will not regret.[/quote:3fnjmcq1]

First of all thank you for your answer man. Well i didn't think about the shock losses before. Actually i thought that, the shock loss is a normal thing that happens after every hair transplant and the hair that fallen down, comes back again after 2 months. Didn't know that it is so risky and you can't imagine how lost i am now.

I think i will to begin using minoxidil again but not sure that i will take the same impressive result again. You think i can ?? Still afraid of using finasteride and not sure about it. Also with the suggestion of S.A.F, i'm also considering hair systems as an option but actually not feeling so optimistic about it. Yea the results are fantastic but the idea of wearing a wig is disturbing me somehow.

Yes i'm pretty sure i will want my hair even when i'm 60 years old. But when i'm 60, probably i will not be the only one who is balding and maybe because of this, i can accept my situation because it's a normal thing in these ages. But it's definitely not in 20's. Another the point is, i want my hair also now and i will never be a young man again. Probably i will marry when i'm at my 30's and then i will be a father. After that, i don't think that i will have this energy inside. When i still have it, i want to make a move. But appereantly it's not possible for now. fate.