How many people do you know that wear a hair piece?


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Can you name a single person? I can't. Think about it. Why is that? Do you actually believe wearing a hair piece is that rare? You probably already know several people wearing just don't notice.


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No I think that peices (and hair transplant's) are incredibly rare we're talking like 1 in 3000 guys at the most that have one or the other. Lets face it way less than 1% of men are taking meds and thats going by sales figures.


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s.a.f said:
No I think that peices (and hair transplant's) are incredibly rare we're talking like 1 in 3000 guys at the most that have one or the other. Lets face it way less than 1% of men are taking meds and thats going by sales figures.

No way:

Wikipedia said:
Toupées in the 20th century

By the 1950s, it was estimated that over 350,000 U.S. men wore hair pieces, out of a potential 15 million wearers. Toupée manufacturers helped to build credibility for their product starting in 1954, when several makers advertised hair pieces in major magazines and newspapers, with successful results. Key to the promotion and acceptance of Toupées was improved toupée craftsmanship, pioneered by Max Factor. Factor's toupées were carefully made and almost invisible, with each strand of hair sewed to a piece of fine flesh-colored lace, and in a variety of long and short hairstyles. Factor, also a Hollywood Makeup innovator, was the supplier of choice for most Hollywood actors. [13]

By 1959, total U.S. sales were estimated by Time Magazine to be $15 million a year. Sears-Roebuck, which had sold Toupées as early as 1900 via its mail order catalog, tried to tap into the market by sending out 30,000 special catalogs by direct mail to a targeted list, advertising "career winning" hair products manufactured by Joseph Fleischer & Co., a respected wig manufacturer.[14] Toupées continued to be advertised in print, likely with heavier media buys (Advertising media selection) taking place in magazines with the appropriate male demographic. A typical "advertorial" can be found in Modern Mechanix.

By 1970, Time Magazine estimated that in the U.S., toupées were worn by more than 2.5 million men out of 17 - 20 million balding men. The increase was chalked up once again to further improvements in hairpiece technology, a desire to seem more youthful, and the long hairstyles that were increasingly in fashion. [15]

[edit] Toupées in the 21st century

Toupée and wig manufacture is no longer centered in the U.S., but in Asia.[16] Aderans, a Japanese firm, is one of the world’s largest wigmakers, with 35% share of the Japanese domestic market.

From 2002-2004, new orders from Aderans’s male customers (both domestic and international) slipped by 30%. Researchers at both the Daiwa Institute and Nomura Research - two key Japanese economic research institutes - conclude that there is “no sign of a recovery†for the toupée industry. [17] Sales for male wearers have continued to fall at Aderans in every year since [18].

These numbers confirm the media consensus [19] hypothesis that toupée use is an overall decline. No reliable sources have stated numbers for the estimated population of toupée users in the U.S. or internationally, so comparisons to past eras are difficult to make with any accuracy. Regardless, hairpiece manufacturers and retailers, and to market their goods in print, on television, and on the internet.


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I suspect that toupes will make a comeback as soon as longer hairstyles come back in will happen eventually.


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I just don't think long styles are needed. I'll find out soon though. Worst case scinario I shave the front, find out it looks bad, then shave the rest and am out $190. I'd still put it on daily for practice, and take it off before going out. Once it looked good, I'd grow out my hair, then shave the front again and apply.


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mulder said:
s.a.f said:
No I think that peices (and hair transplant's) are incredibly rare we're talking like 1 in 3000 guys at the most that have one or the other. Lets face it way less than 1% of men are taking meds and thats going by sales figures.

No way:

As a expereinced norwood spotter who asseses the hair of everyone he meets I can honestly say that although I have probably walked past someone in the street wearing a peice and not realised I'm confident that I've never known or worked with anyone who wears a toupee. I did once suspect an ex colleage of using concealer but thats about it.


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Did you read those estimates from Time magazine though? If there anywhere near accurate you've worked with quite a few people sporting a just don't know. It's just not that visible.


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I cant imagine any of the people I've ever worked with would spend that kind of money on something like that, their wives would'nt let them. I just see many guys who are nw2 a small minority with great hair and a minority with excessive hairloss.


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s.a.f said:
I cant imagine any of the people I've ever worked with would spend that kind of money on something like that, their wives would'nt let them. I just see many guys who are nw2 a small minority with great hair and a minority with excessive hairloss.

I was thinking that myself about HM. What if your wife does not let you get HM? What if she'd rather you just pay for a good lifestyle, and she does not care about your body since she is getting satisfied by another guy?

As for the piece though, they are cheap. $200 every 3+ months. In my case, $100 probably every 4 months.


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collegechemistrystudent said:
I was thinking that myself about HM. What if your wife does not let you get HM? What if she'd rather you just pay for a good lifestyle, and she does not care about your body since she is getting satisfied by another guy?

Only CCS could come up with that one! :mrgreen:
I've heard mentioned on other forums before about guys having arguements with their wives over the costs of hair transplant's, (and not because they're secretly seeing another guy) :roll:
Unless of course you're financially very well of a hair transplant is a pretty big chunk of your savings.
Seriously though after a few years of marriage and a couple of kids 99% of women would rather spend the money on home furnishings. Thats how women are.


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s.a.f said:
I cant imagine any of the people I've ever worked with would spend that kind of money on something like that, their wives would'nt let them. I just see many guys who are nw2 a small minority with great hair and a minority with excessive hairloss.

I am the youngest in my company, I am 27, the majority of people are in their mid 30's and most of them have some degrees of hair loss.


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Thats to be expected on a mature adult, but how many have a significant degree of hairloss ie nw3-7 or even severe diffuse.


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collegechemistrystudent said:
I was thinking that myself about HM. What if your wife does not let you get HM? What if she'd rather you just pay for a good lifestyle, and she does not care about your body since she is getting satisfied by another guy?



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Im glad im single! I got no kids. I don't even have a dog. Im not exactly rolling in money but because I have very little overhead, I can save a fair bit of money for hairloss treatments, so i dont need to ask my wife or girlfriend if i can get this or that. I just get what i want when i want haha. Jealous? :jump:

Being single is great. Im not getting married till im at least 35 and have a NW1. Hopefully to some young 20 year old nympho model.


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if they were jealous, they'd dump their girlfriends and join you. Obviously they think the trade off is worth it.