thanks for the replies ladies,
I got myself some .300mg tablets cheap
I'll throw 8 of them down my neck through out the day (2.4mg).
quote out of my LIFE EXTENSION directory, which by the way is free from WW.LEF.ORG lots of free info on just about any suppliment, they even post it to the UK for free (and I suspect the rest of europe)....
...."Biotin is an unnumbered member of the B-complex family, normally only required in minute amounts. In some people, biotin may: Help prevent hair loss, Alleviate eczema and dermatitis, lower blood glucose and inhibit glycation at higher doses. Doseage: One capsule a day (the capsules they sell is 600mcg/.6mg) Ten capsules or more daily may inhibit harmful blood glucose effects. This product is most effectively utilized when taken with meals in divided doses.
cheers for the info