How Much Did You Shed On finasteride?

Bone Daddy

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Time it started
When it ended
None/low/medium/OMG kill me

Just trieng to get a knowledge base or similar, before I start.

Also, how do I know if I'm diffuse thinning or not? The horshoe pattern or darker/noticiable ring around the top of the head?


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Started after about 3 weeks/1 month
1 propecia a day (1mg finasteride)
Slowed down around end of month 2 started up again end of month 3 for alomost 3 weeks. Shedding has ended now after 4 and a half months.

OMG kill me/Medium but yeah it was massive.
Hair thinner than ever BUT am convinced that things can only get better from now onwards.

I don't think a question like this is doing you any good. If you are considering to get on finasteride then my advice is: go for it! finasteride is having different effect on different human beings and there is no way to tell how much you'll be shedding.

At the end of the day it's all about doing something to keep your hair in the long run.


12 months 1mg (Propecia) - no shed

11 months 1.25mg (1/4 Proscar) - no shed

Stopped minoxidil for 3 weeks after around 9 months of use - slight shed (hair got a bit thinner were minoxidil had filled it in)

I am sure there are sheds going on up there (probably for everyone) but I suppose it is the noticable ones you are interested in.




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Im convinced that finasteride causes shedding in a small minority of its users if any. It seems that people fail to acknowledge the use of other products that can potentially cause shedding as a side effect such as topical treatments (i.e. minoxidil). My Derm (Ivan Cohen) is one of the leading opinions in hair loss and hair restoration and says that shedding is not an effect of finasteride.

Not to mention the psychological aspect or neurosis that many people undergo when beginning a regimen. Sometimes if your looking for something your bound to find it...whether it exists or not.


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I think that the worse your hair line when you start it, the worse the shed. The theory being that lowering DHT levels on follicles not sensitive yet to DHT won't cause shedding.

Bone Daddy

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Don't worry ninja, I've already made up my mind that I'm starting it, but the boyscout that I am, wants to be prepared. A thread full of users with different experiences keeps me informed of the possibilites.

I have diffuse thinning I think, and just starting. Unless you soak my head, or put a lightbulb to the top of my head, would you even think you saw scalp.. but it won't be there, or at least be the same as now, if I don't at least try. I hope for maintenance and some regrowth/thickness.

So keep the info coming, great so far.

I'm going to add "results" to the list of paramaters.

Im convinced that finasteride causes shedding in a small minority of its users if any. It seems that people fail to acknowledge the use of other products that can potentially cause shedding as a side effect such as topical treatments (i.e. minoxidil). My Derm (Ivan Cohen) is one of the leading opinions in hair loss and hair restoration and says that shedding is not an effect of finasteride.

Not to mention the psychological aspect or neurosis that many people undergo when beginning a regimen. Sometimes if your looking for something your bound to find it...whether it exists or not.

Rage said:
I think that the worse your hair line when you start it, the worse the shed. The theory being that lowering DHT levels on follicles not sensitive yet to DHT won't cause shedding.

Both excellent points, and along the lines of what I was thinking.


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Rage said:
I think that the worse your hair line when you start it, the worse the shed. The theory being that lowering DHT levels on follicles not sensitive yet to DHT won't cause shedding.

I completly agree with you Rage. This is why it is CRUCIAL to start on finasteride as soon as possible. I really do believe that some people shed more because the DHT has already done its damage and is now being removed from the hair follicle. Those who start early won't because there is minimal damage.

Tony Montana


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I completly agree with you Rage. This is why it is CRUCIAL to start on finasteride as soon as possible. I really do believe that some people shed more because the DHT has already done its damage and is now being removed from the hair follicle. Those who start early won't because there is minimal damage.

Would this mean there hair would grow back thicker though? since itys no longer under the influence of DHT


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"Would this mean there hair would grow back thicker though? since itys no longer under the influence of DHT"

Yes, Propecias job is to thicken existing hair and some have experienced regrowth. I also think that hairs may be shed a few times before they can return to a healthy state. Damage done by DHT wasnt done overnight, thus reversing wont happend overnight either. Patient is the key to any regime and for those of us who have been lossing our hair for some time and extended shed is normal.


Tony Montana


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This whole issue of shedding and Propecia is really starting to piss me off.

On one hand you have MANY guys that insist that it causes increased shedding as well as at least one dermatologist mentioned on this site that uses Propecia to rid his patients of dying hair prior to hair transplants (in order that he be able to do a more successful and attractive transplant procedure) and then on the other hand you have a drug company (Merck) that makes no mention whatsoever of the possibility of increased shedding as well as supposedly independent dermatologists (such as Ivan Cohen) that say they don't think it causes shedding.

Propecia has been around now for several years and these personal accounts of increased shedding are widespread. I have a very hard time believing that so many men are just imagining this.

If Merck wanted to confirm for sure whether Propecia can cause increased shedding in some men it would be very easy to do so in a study but I think it's obvious that would not be in their best interest. Why check for negative effects of such a commercially successful drug?

What is needed is some investigative reporter to do a story on Propecia and shedding. We need some 20/20 or Dateline reporter to put this on in primetime in order for Merck to come clean.

We deserve solid factual information about this issue of shedding. If Propecia increases the possibility of shedding in some men and Merck is aware of this it is absolutely reprehensible that it's not made crystal clear. Honestly, is it right that I did not learn about shedding until I visited message boards like this?
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I have been using proscar and nizoral for about 2.5 months now. I was an Norwood 2 or 2.5 when I started. Now in the last couple of months I have lost a significant amount of hair. I am probably a solid Norwood 3 right now.

I firmly believe the loss to be attributed to a "shed". I have never seen such a drastic decrease in my hair count and it's density than I have in the past couple of months. I am at an all time low in my appearence.

On the flip side I am a rational thinking guy and I believe that if I ride this out I will see the benefit in a years time. So I'm just gonna grin and bear it for right now.

It's easy for those who haven't experienced a shed to dismiss it as a person just being irrational and dillusional. But I can honestly say the finastride, in some people, does indeed cause shedding. There is no doubt in my mind. So if your going to start be prepared for it to happen and don't freak out if it does.

Bone Daddy

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Well, I expect a little-to-no shedding as I have a descent hairline now. I plan to check my hair count beforehand and chart it, then study the difference on finasteride.. If I don't shed, then kick-***, If I start seeing cancer patient sheds, immediately I'm out. Why? Because at the rate I think I'm progressing, I have a few years left before I'm noticable, more than enough time to figure something out, or save for a quality transplant. If I shed all my hair off, really.. whats the point? Long term goodness you say? It's not guaranteed it works on anyone, and if it's making all my hair fall out, then I'm really no better off. Even with no shed, I still have to see how it effects me from a sexual standpoint. I consider it to be like any other medication, if its adversly effecting you, then you should stop and try something else.

Now.. so we have so far.

1- no shed
1- medium shed

Am I right? :wink: