How much hair is lost daily during a shed?


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I'm trying to figure out if I'm in a shedding phase. I recently started losing around 25-50 hairs in the shower and I notice about 5-10 on my pillow in the morning. I just got my script for proscar filled and am starting it tomorrow.....the only other changed I have made is nizoral 2% and I am taking a multi and biosil.

Is a typical shed like what I described, or do you see hair falling all over the place? Any insight would be great.


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a shed is a daily loss in a volume higher than regular. how much do you usually lose a day?


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Well I would say 25-50 in the shower. Probably closer to 50. I see 5-10 on my pillow in the morning. I don't really see any throughout the day. Maybe the occasional one here and there but it is really the shower that is scaring me.

I noticed it when I started using nizoral. I wasn't looking for it before really, but I'm confident I wasn't losing this much.