How much has hair loss taken from your looks?


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Most people can pull off hair loss, but there are some people who are impacted worse than others. When I had a full head of hair I was an 8 or 9, but now I'm a buzzed-down norwood 3 I'm probably a 7. How well did you rate your looks with hair and how well do you rate them now?


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well in my scale 9+ would be a movie star, 8 would be good looking average guy. 7 an average guy 6 less then evrage 5-2 all sort of ugliness and 1 would be someone who is monster looking.

ps: my god lol i just noticed that this pic is taken from a site outch :S


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What sort of scale has 7 out of 10 as average? That just makes no sense whatsoever. 5 is the average (or 5.5 if you're not counting zero).


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id say average is 7 cause looking normal/average these days is abit underrated... (by people who look average, and being bald is not in the catgory of average, imo its less.. but thats just my idea of normal looking guy)


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With hair I was an 8 casually, but a 9 if I made the effort. I don't know if I'd say I had movie star good looks, but I had no problem attracting very good looking girls. In bars/night clubs I'd receive non-stop female attention; really cute girls would actually start chatting me up (or on the dancefloor throwing themselves at me). I didn't have to make any effort. That lasted until I had to start buzzing my hair because of the thinning temples.

Since the buzzcut the female attention is a lot less prolific. I still attract plenty of girls/women, but I have to make an effort now. I can't walk into a bar or night club and wait for them to be all over me. I have to do lots of approaching and play the game like everybody else.


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With a full head of Hair I'd be about 7.5. Bald I went down to about a 4. After hair transplant's I'm about a 6 (well thats how I see it)..
Baldness hit me hard I really dont have the features for it.

Dont want to sound shallow but just remember when you're trying to get chicks every 0.5 point matters, including the way it effects your confidence. You know you'd rather go out with an 8 than a 7.

Good thread!!!! :hump:


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well, there is something else here, i remeber when i had my hair around ages 17-18, i had more motivation to work harder to look good, to max my external potential.. since i lost most of my hair, that drive is almost gone too since ill never be able to live up to my lost gone "looks potential".
so for me (!) if i had my hair id jump more then a few points cause ill probably worked my *** to look as good as i could ever be...


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I used to have great hair and was probably an 8.

Now I'm a NW2 with a thinned out fringe and probably a 7.5. Mostly due to me being 23. If I was 35 it probably wouldn't matter as much.


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Dude, without seeing you, i bet you are no less then a 5-6, you just seem to hate yourself so much for some reason... with all due the respect, i dont buy your self pitty talk, i think it holds zero grounds in real life, but you believe in that so bad, that i dont want to go into that argument again...

btw, id give UM 7.5-8 judging from his pictures here... :whistle:


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People can be quite poor judges of their own looks. I know UMAN has a negative attitude towards himself with hair, but I'd also rate him at least 6/10 - and my scale's harsher than smooth's (as we saw earlier).

My point is, Dudemon, you could be wrong. Hell, even I could be wrong about myself. I rate myself pretty lowly, and have legitimate reasons for doing so. At the same time, on a few occasions I've had girls approach me in clubs, as other users have mentioned.

Mens Rea

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Smooth said:
well, there is something else here, i remeber when i had my hair around ages 17-18, i had more motivation to work harder to look good, to max my external potential.. since i lost most of my hair, that drive is almost gone too since ill never be able to live up to my lost gone "looks potential".
so for me (!) if i had my hair id jump more then a few points cause ill probably worked my *** to look as good as i could ever be...

i understand what you mean, but this is also the epitomy of what happens to alot of people on this site, and its sad and ridiculous

in 3-4 years when i have to buzz my hair, ill bust my *** in the gym, dress well and work extremely hard on my confidence, body language etc, to mitigate the damage. I cant go hard in the gym not as i believe it'll affect my hair, so in a roundabout way i look foward to that.

You letting yourself is a lack of will and bad perspective. Its almost an irresistable trap but one we should fight against. End of the day the world takes things at face value, it doesnt care if you're gutted about ur hair so therefore you are out of shape. it is what it is.


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dudemon said:
If I started posting lots of pics of myself, and sending them to dating sites, I'm sure that, sooner or later, my pics will eventually wind up on an ugly people site.

And that would be bad publicity for the hair transplant Doctor that did great work on my 2nd and 3rd hair transplants. Another reason to not post my pics.

Why do you walk around wearing a T-shirt with "hair transplant done by Dr ...." on it?

How would anyone know since they dont know who you are. TBH I'm betting A) you dont look half as bad as you make out and B) Your hair is probably better than mine.


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With hair and about 20 lbs lighter I put myself at about 7-7.5 on a good day. If i just had hair loss, about 5. But because of the hair transplant from that scum f***, Id say about a 2.


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I would say I dropped from 7 to 4. Might not seem like much but 7 is above average and enough to get noticed by females. 4 is below average and no one will give you the time of day


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I was very good looking. I was what women called "pretty". I was no macho looking man er nuthin, but I had model looks. Long eyelashes, high cheek bones, tan, and very fit. I was actually thinking of pursuing an acting career. I am now not so good looking. I'm not horrible looking but now I'm a NW2.5-3 and thinning. My hair is so thin that even though I get decent coverage I can't really do anything wiht it.

I don't want to blame it all on my hair though. I got pretty lazy with my health and fitness. And because I am no longer fit I no longer have the confidence to go shirtless, or go tanning at the beach or pool. You would be surprised how much difference a tan can make.

Anyways I am now working out again and running alot. I will soon be tanning again and once I get my hair transplant i will be moving to NYC to act.

Just remember baldness isn't the end of the world. It's 2010 and there are so many fixes and preventatives to try.


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southerndrawl said:
I was very good looking. I was what women called "pretty". I was no macho looking man er nuthin, but I had model looks. Long eyelashes, high cheek bones, tan, and very fit. I was actually thinking of pursuing an acting career. I am now not so good looking. I'm not horrible looking but now I'm a NW2.5-3 and thinning. My hair is so thin that even though I get decent coverage I can't really do anything wiht it.

I don't want to blame it all on my hair though. I got pretty lazy with my health and fitness. And because I am no longer fit I no longer have the confidence to go shirtless, or go tanning at the beach or pool. You would be surprised how much difference a tan can make.

Anyways I am now working out again and running alot. I will soon be tanning again and once I get my hair transplant i will be moving to NYC to act.

Just remember baldness isn't the end of the world. It's 2010 and there are so many fixes and preventatives to try.

If it was only that simple.