My minoxidil isn't lasting long... I spray about 18 sprays for the front of my hair spreading to almost the middle of my forehead. My minoxidil is lasting about two weeks... Am I putting too much on?
My minoxidil isn't lasting long... I spray about 18 sprays for the front of my hair spreading to almost the middle of my forehead. My minoxidil is lasting about two weeks... Am I putting too much on?
Dont listen to Bruce! The more the better! I reccomend the washtub method. Buy 100 bottles of minoxidil, dump it in the tub, and just dip your head in twice a day! Quick and easy applicantions will full coverage! When you start seeing things that arnt there, you know its working!
Better make sure she emptied it BEFORE she got in the tub, or youre gonna have one hairy woman!
At 1500mg, the effects are minimal. Actually I havent been very diligent about taking it, as I've been keeping my hair rather short anyways to hide the fact that its thin. Perhaps if my hair is looking better in six months I'll grow it back out by taking 6000mg/day like Funkster