How much shedding is "normal" with Rogaine ?


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I started on Rogaine 3 1/2 weeks ago after good success on propecia ( 6 years on it thus far) .The 3rd week shedding kicked in and have gone from my typical 30-60 hairs /day to days of 300-400 !!! Is this reaction within what one could expect ? Is there a point where I should cut my loss and stop using it if this amount continues ?

Thank you for you help ---


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apache2004 said:
I started on Rogaine 3 1/2 weeks ago after good success on propecia ( 6 years on it thus far) .The 3rd week shedding kicked in and have gone from my typical 30-60 hairs /day to days of 300-400 !!! Is this reaction within what one could expect ? Is there a point where I should cut my loss and stop using it if this amount continues ?

Thank you for you help ---

Read the following article:

This should "shed" some light on your guestion. It is often normal to go through a shed when starting a new regime.

Also, how would you rate our success with Propecia? Did you maintain? Regrow any?



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I am 44 and I would estimate I went from Norwood 3 to Norwood 1.5 after about 2 years on the Rx.Since-- I have lost some ground and would guess about a Norwood 2 currently.Over the last year I began "adjusting" the dose up and down and think I created some type of hormone imbalance ---all the loss has been within the last year.This is the first shed Ive experienced.I have a tingling sensation of the whole scalp and even the nape of the neck that actually proceeded the Rogaine use ---Its a flushing sensation that I think may be hormonal from the dose adjusting---not sure ?? However, the sensation increases with the shedding or vice versa.

The shedder

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The shedding is normal on rogaine, maybe just give it a little time to ride over the shed. Where are you applying it? If your scalp becomes irritated that may be more of a problem then the shed, so check for that and add some nizoral if you already haven't. Some people have adverse reactions to minoxidil 5% (rapid heartbeat, water retention, swollen feet) maybe try going down to the 2%. By the way, congrats on your 6 years of propecia, and don't try to self medicate by changing your dosages, if it ain't broke don't fix it IMO.


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The scalp does "feel" irritated especially when sweating ( sunburned feeling) but I do not see any redness.How do you really know if the shed is due to irritation vs. normal Rogaine shed in this case ?



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Could you please tell us more about Propecia and the dosages you've been using?


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PS -- I am using it in about 6 parts along the scalp spread along each .

The reason for the dosage altering :

After I saw the Merck studies I decided to use 1/4 of a tablet ( 0.25mg) and stayed on this for years with good results.I then started seeing information indicating that for long-term "micro dosing" is not advisable and tried upping the dose with shedding and increased testosterone signs & symptoms and would lower and try again later to increase.I am concerned all this moving the dose my have rendered the drug ineffective and produced adverse hormonal response ...??? Currently , I am unclear what dose to stay on.


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Where did you read that micro-dosing is not advised long term? Why was it not advised?

I am trying to find out more information about micro-dosing because I am seriously considering going the 0.5mg route.

All I've read so far is that same standard paragraph about 0.2 mg being 81% as effective as 1mg.


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why F with the 1mg dosage if you were doing good after 6 years?


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apache2004 said:
PS -- I am using it in about 6 parts along the scalp spread along each .

The reason for the dosage altering :

After I saw the Merck studies I decided to use 1/4 of a tablet ( 0.25mg) and stayed on this for years with good results.I then started seeing information indicating that for long-term "micro dosing" is not advisable and tried upping the dose with shedding and increased testosterone signs & symptoms and would lower and try again later to increase.I am concerned all this moving the dose my have rendered the drug ineffective and produced adverse hormonal response ...??? Currently , I am unclear what dose to stay on.

So you were using .25 and went from a norwood 3 to a 1.5....that is amazing! Im using 1ml, which is recommended....maybe ill cut it down to .25.


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Just to clarify, he said he was on a .25mg dosage for years.
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That's fuckin awesome!!! To go from an Norwood 3 to a 1.5! :yeah:
Was that on finastride alone?

We rarely hear from long term users posting their results.


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I was using the Propecia and Curetage shampoo alone---but don't really think the shampoo had anything to do with it.

As I said the confusing part is in knowing how to proceed....did I upregulate DHT receptors on the scalp by screwing around with doses and now "need" more...Of course looking back I would have left everything alone ( stayed at 0.25mg and no Rogaine).However,everyone responds differently.At this point I go around swearing at every hair I see lying around all over the place !

I spoke with a transplant Dr who told me there was a large study from Univ of Washington State that clearly demonstrated the superiority of 1.0 over lower doses long term.I have yet to find the study.


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Just want to clarify...

Im not saying use 0.25mg or change to 0.25mg if your currently on a different dose.Who knows--maybe I would have had even better success if I had started and stayed on 1.0mg.I just think by changing the dose up & down over the last year altered something that Im unsure how to fix.


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(I have used proscar for 4-5 months with no real effect that I can tell)

3 months on minoxidil. once a day and I started shedding massively after around 2-3 weeks, 50-100 hairs in the shower... I was exicted by this because obviously the treatment was working :roll: , the shed lasted around 3-4 weeks (mostly temples and in between).. Now in the last month I have gone from golf ball size bald patches in temples (70+% hair loss) to a 50 or so percent increase ( wish I had taken photos)....

There are so many little dark hairs now that it is not noticable that I'm thinning :shock: I'm honestly amazed at how well I have responded to minoxidil. & I can not imagine the progress I will make in coming months :)
I have a virgin forest of hairs erupting on my head... So shedders don't lose faith its a good sign.........