How my life has been affected by hair loss...


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My hair started thinning by 19 (I'm 21 now), and life's been hell ever since. I used to love playing basketball and now can't even bother going to the rec centre for pickup because I'm so embarrassed.

Now, I also literally don't leave the house unless I'm wearing a hat (this means out with friends, school, errands, etc.). I guess nobody says anything because I always was a hat person (not as much as now, unfortunately).

And now I find myself always staring at other guys' hair and comparing. If I'm on the subway and see some dude with a full head of hair, it makes me so mad. I mean I can't even look at myself in the mirror anymore...

Finally, and probably the most important, no girl would go out with me...we all know they only care about looks and money, so looks like I'll have to wait until I'm a successful business man. Which sucks, because my hair loss is affecting my outlook on my career as well.

Every day is miserable and I owe it all to m hair loss. I can't even imagine how much better my life would be with a full head of hair, its unfathomable. For the longest time I felt like killing myself but didn't want to because I didn't want people thinking I was an emo pussy. Then I read that lots of men kill themselves before 30 so I felt better about going through with it, but I don't really want to...maybe I'll just move to Japan where nobody knows me.

Anyways, that's my sad story. Don't know why it had to happen to me instead of some a**h** with a full head of hair. Feels good getting it out, but I know I'm going to feel like sh*t tomorrow :sobbing:


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Hairloss didn't f*ck up your life, you did. We're all losing our hair here. Some of us make the best of it and just see getting back our hair or maintaining our hair as a bonus for our already successful lives, while others just like complaining and blame hairloss for their failures.

Hair doesn't define you.


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Man I'm your age too man and started losing it around when you did. And let me say this bro you're not alone I feel the same way you do. It sucks man but life will go on. We will make it through and come out better men.

Plus who knows what will happen in the future, in 5 years we could have a solution for hair loss.

Keep your head up brother.


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eXVee said:
Hairloss didn't f*ck up your life, you did. We're all losing our hair here. Some of us make the best of it and just see getting back our hair or maintaining our hair as a bonus for our already successful lives, while others just like complaining and blame hairloss for their failures.

Hair doesn't define you.
Give him a damn break, the kid needs to vent somewhere. Isn't that what this forum is for? How hair loss impacted him?