How natural will HM look?


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I've been reading up on the HM thing for a couple of days now and was wondering if when this thing does hit the market is it going to look like natural hair when someone gets the procedure done? From what I read they just inject hair cells into the scalp, have they taken into consideration that the hair on top of your head naturally grows to the front and the crown has a circular shape, will it at least make your hairline look natural? Are they going to able to manipulate the hair to grow in the right direction by just injecting cells in your head with a needle?

This sounds all good, but will the procedure leave you looking like a chi pet. I'm seroiusly considering this when it comes out, but I don't want to get left looking like a slim jim when its all said and done.


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i dont know....but if you ask me, i dont really care about direction. if worse comes to worse, ill just shave my head and at least there will be stubble up there.


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The hair does not naturally grow toward the front for everybody. I have seen it do so on many people, and I know that I am an odd case, in that I have more collicks (sp?) than anybody, I swear it. But everybody's hair grows differently, on all areas of the head.

I agree that if they can do something about the direction issue, that's great. I am all for it. But I also agree that it doesn't really matter that much. I mean, I have a lot of ingrown beard hairs, which result in zits on my neck, if I shave too close or in the wrong direction. I'm assuming this could potentially occur on the scalp with HM as well. But as long as the hair doesn't grow inwards, who cares, you could grow it out longer and use gel to style it in any way you want, I would think.

I just hope this isn't something that is holding up the clinical trial process. Can you imagine of Henry Ford didn't market the first automobile until they developed the technology in cars today? It would have been years, maybe decades, more that Americans would have been without cars. Same for computers. I'm not saying they should market HM in such an early stage that it looks like patches of hair are growing in spots on the head, and other spots it doesn't, but I hope they don't think they have to be able to control the direction of every new hair follicle down to the degree!


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elguapo said:
But as long as the hair doesn't grow inwards, who cares, you could grow it out longer and use gel to style it in any way you want, I would think.
My thoughts exactly. I'd be so proud having a full mane that I'd just brush the whole lot back and run some wax or gel through it. Hell, a big mane of hair brushed back would be awesome beyond words!


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Another thing,

What is "natural" anymore? I won't mind telling a girl that I had the procedure done. I'd use the makeup that she is wearing as an example of how we all want to look our best. Cripe, even clothes could technically be considered as "cosmetic": we "hide" our bodies beneath good looking clothes, do we not? You know how many overweight men I see where I work, wearing nice as hell clothes to create an image of success? Try doing that with a fat, flabby body on the beach? How much respect are they going to earn there?!?

So forget "natural". I mean, I think I know what was meant by the original question, but seriously, this is the least of our worries.


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yeh i wont mind telling anyone either. f*** it. i dont care if it messy, il style it. atleast il have hair.


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I don't care if it has any direction, I just want it back. I wouldn't mind telling someone about it. They have flaws too, no one is perfect.


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messy all directioned hair is the best style, because it gives you a carefree look. problem with some toupe's and transplants or procedures is that people put too much perfection into it. humans aren't perfect, which is why we bald.

main thing i'm worried about with hm is:

if we get it done, we obviously get it done to thinning area. what if the area "around" it thins out so more? we'll have inverse male pattern baldness, which would look quite weird? and we'd have to do the procedure again.... unless they can just implant hairs everywhere.


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ANDREW_J_I said:
yeh i wont mind telling anyone either. f*** it. i dont care if it messy, il style it. atleast il have hair.

That´s right dude...f**k the direction.

We can always style it later 8)


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sorry guys but i got to disagree on the direction thing if you hairs going in every direction its going to look unatural, and worse then a bad wig,
think of donald trump, when anyone see's him they think whats up with his hair
do want that?
there was talk that they would give you a normal hair tranplant for the hairline and whorl( where the hair spins out on the crown) where direction is most important and use hm to fill the rest