How often do you wash your hair?

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I hope this turns out to be a poll so everyone especially the newcomers will know how we treat our hair

I need to wash my hair everyday due to oil build-up, but only using shampoo every 2 day.

I just run lukewarm water over my hair for around 2 minutes while gently tapping the scalp with my hand to rid the oil. Its not about saving shampoo, derm said shampoo everyday dries out your scalp?



2 months ago I couldn´t wash my hair more then once every ten days because I had so much hair I was dependant on buildup to style it - then I used to use like a handful of wax - not gel, gel could never keep my hair under control.

Today I wash it three times a week using only nizoral.

Oh yeah I forgot - I fxxking hate this sh*t!! I just want my old superman hair the fxxk back.

Yeah that´s buildup for you, I built up alot of anger :)

Now here comes another cool post by gardner making me smile again.


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I'm a 1-2 times a week w/ nizoral man myself. Any more and I just wouldn't be able to style my hair the way I like it.

You see, every time I wash it, it's unstylable for about 2 days. I depend on greasy hair as far as styling is concerned.


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everyday, always with some sort of shampoo and conditioner.


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I dont know how people can get away with not washing it close to everday. My head's itching the hell out of me right now and I watch my hair everday. I could only imagine if I didn't how bad this itch would be!!


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Kramer3 said:
I dont know how people can get away with not washing it close to everday. My head's itching the hell out of me right now and I watch my hair everday. I could only imagine if I didn't how bad this itch would be!!
If your scalp is very dry, washing it everyday without using a quality conditioner may make it itch even worse.



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Everyday. nizoral on every other day. I don't know how anyone on minoxidil can get away with not washing their hair everyday. Before I started minoxidil I used to wash it every other day with only running it through water on the off days. Definitely better styling with that routine.


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I'm actuallya little up in the hair about my hair routine - I think nizoral even every third day could be bad - i mean it sez on the bottle once a week after a couple weeks! Is t-gel really ok to use ervery day? I heard it can make u lose hair if you shampoo too much for that matter any kind of shampoo, or at least dry out your scalp which could cause more hair loss. Rogaine though is making my head so damn itchy and realy drying out my hair too which i swear is causing more hair loss or maybe just shedding since i've been using it for a little over three weeks. in the end at the moment i use nizoral 1 -2X per week and looking into a moisturing scalp shampooo and conditioner to use every other day - but with rogaine and the dame itchiness and i might have to shampoo every day- whew


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i use nizoral 3 times a week.....

but i also want to use a conditioner because my hair gets very dry....

When and how often should i use it? And which one?

Or should i use a nizoral only 3 times a week?

It says on various (non hairloss) website's that washing your hair everyday is not good.....



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I wash my hair everyday

Nizoral 3-4 times a week

T/sal shampoo other day's

Does Thicker Fuller Hair really work? :roll:

Because I might use it.