Just like I said, these guys are not here to help you,
they are just here to scare you and keep you from treating their hair loss. The dude totally avoided every question I had. Not that I needed him to answer any of them. I already know the answers. It is too easy to see right through these guys.
Listen to the facts and clinical data. Not the surveys of guys that claim yeah I was 100% healthy and a sex machine now I cant get it up. These PFS people are making all these claims. Time for them to provide some actual proof. Prove the guy was actually healthy and that these sides were not going to happen to him for other reasons. The same old this and that substance can change your bodies chemistry and possibly cause this and that. Well no sh!t. It's common sense. Many if not all prescription drugs do this and cause way worse sides including death. Are these guys going around the internet expressing their outrage about that? I think not, because ED is worse than death right.
Again, take responsibility for your actions.
Yes finasteride can cause sides just like any other prescription drug can. If you decide to take it accept that you could possibly be in the group of guys that may suffer sides. If you cant do that or are too mentally weak(not talking crap, I myself have been there!) to deal with what might happen or end up giving yourself psychosomatic sides, then don't take finasteride and just accept that you will continue to lose your hair.
- - - Updated - - -
This can also apply to those who have vested interests in a website that sells hairloss products & want to counteract those who have bad news relating to these products. Let the rest discuss in peace here
Oh please. Yeah I work for Merck...
Just because this section deals with side effects doesn't mean it is okay to spread misinformation. The guy asked a question and I actually took the time to give him an answer. I didn't just provide the same tired link to some pfs site. There is no smokescreen here. I have said over and over that
finasteride sides are real, but they are not real in everybody that reports them and the incidents of sides are way over exaggerated. Some of you guys do everything in your power to convince people that sides are guaranteed to happen for everybody that takes finasteride and that is just a bunch of nonsense. You know it and I know it. If you got sides from finasteride and have chosen to give up your hair loss battle then I'm sorry things didn't work out for you, but don't try to scare and screw over everybody else that wants to do something about their hair loss by filling their head with your "facts".
But yeah I will let you get back to your "discussion":
"finasteride give me permanent ED"
"Yeah me too"
"My libido has dropped by 32.7%"
"Oh and I got brain fog within 5 minutes of popping my first pill"
"Check this site out dude pfsnonsense.org"
"I don't care if you have been side free for 10 years. Sooner or later you will get sides"
Yeah great discussion. I don't want to get in the way of that.