How time passes...


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Well, I was sick today and decided I would take some zinc. I found some and opened the bottle, but all the tablets were cut in half. Then all of a sudden I remember that I cut them all in half last February, when I started to notice my diffuse thinning. It brought back a shitload of memories of me going to the store and buying everything that even had the slightest amount of clinical significance in helping male pattern baldness, it was actually one of the first things I read here.

This brought back so many memories of me freaking out and looking in the mirror EVERY day and sulking about what was going to happen to my hair. I was really a depressed sh*t. I remember buying nizoral shortly after because i did not want to use minoxidil and couldn't get a script for finasteride. I remember everyday the impending doom that loomed over my scalp.

I thought about this for a bit and then popped my finasteride this morning and it was kinda weird. It seems that taking that 1/5th of that little blue pill every morning for the past 11 months just seems to give me peace of mind, as does using nizoral. I pimp nizoral hard because if I go 4 days without it, I get scalp pimples, which was one of the first signs of male pattern baldness issues for me.

I have been shedding like a mofo for the past month. A year ago, this would have freaked me out big time, now, I just shrug it off. I look in the mirror and am quite content with what finasteride has given me. During my biggest of sheds, my hair looks no worse than it was last August when I started finasteride and it is unnoticeable unless you are standing directly over my head when it is wet. How can I possibly complain about this when a year ago I was certain I would be completely sparse up top by now?

It has been said a million times and I will reiterate it, start finasteride and, unless you get horrible sides, ride out the sheds.


That is some good f*****g advise. Everyone that is just starting there regimen or has hit a low point due to shedding should read this. I felt the same way as you did when this sh*t started, but now i barely even think about it.


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Yeah man, I felt like an 80 year old man mopeing around the house like life was over. Now when I shed, I look in the mirror and go, "I think I'll have a cheeseburger for lunch." :D