How To Be Impressive When Bald/ing?


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Hey guys,

So I started noticing my hair was falling out aged 20, although now looking back at photographs it looks like I initially started balding around 19 without realising, funny how that works. Anyway I'm currently 22 now and it's been kicking my *** pretty hard. I would put myself as a NW3V. I seem to do reasonably well with meds as far as I could tell, but I convinced myself that I wanted a hair transplant as soon as possible. So I got off them so my hair would be in its poorest condition before the operation (what a fool I am). Anyway, I then changed my mind and decided against the operation, and to wait at least a couple more years on the meds again and see where that takes me, and with some cautious optimistic hope that further treatments may emerge.

For me, I feel my age is perhaps a blessing in disguise. Although it is a truly awful condition to have in early life, and sometimes I can't help but scream why couldn't my genes have held off for another five or ten years. The other side of the coin is that maybe if something concrete comes out in the next 5-7 years I can count myself lucky that I can still be considered a 'young man' with a second chance at social situations (girls mainly, God sometimes I wish I was a-sexual, but I love em). I know this feels like this should be perhaps put with the introduction thread, but I've placed it here because I have some questions regarding the impact of this disease and I feel like as fellow balding people, perhaps you may have the experience that I lack.

Essentially (sorry, finally getting to the point I promise) during this period of time where I don't believe I can achieve maximum success with my attractiveness (I'm also fairly short at 5 foot seven, on a good day) I want to attempt to make myself an impressive a person as possible. It's a difficult topic to approach because it seems to illicit antagonism from both sides where some will say baldness doesn't have an impact on your impressiveness, attractiveness etc, but for the sake of the argument, in my mind it certainly does. Furthermore some will say forget it, no point in even trying to improve yourself because baldness is all they will see, but I think this is a self-defeatist attitude. Basically what can a man do to improve himself. I thought of a few obvious things in terms getting in shape, learning as much as possible, career driven, learning another language, I think this is especially important in the anglosphere where the vast majority don't bother with learning a second language. So are there any other things people can think of or that have personally been instrumental in helping them improve their social standing whilst bald or balding?

If people have been bothered to take the time to read all that, thank you.


My Regimen
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How to be impressive? Two options:

-posting sad frog memes

-wearing this horse mask:



Senior Member
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Haha... ya beat me to it, Dante.
I was gunna say "a brown paper bag."


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First of all, ignore the depressive, self-hating fukwits posting. Do not ever let yourself drop to their pitiful level of self-loathing, it'll get you nowhere. They just want to make the world suffer for them.

Impressive in what sense? You merely need to bring up other areas/aspects of you and your life. It has probably been regurgitated numerous times here but make everything else better. Skin, tan, facial hair, body, your attitude, your outlook etc...

My friend lost all of his hair in his early twenties...did the fact he went from a solid 8 with hair to a 6.5/6.75 without hair bother him? Nope. not two fuks given. Did he still get laid? Yes. A lot. Has he now got an amazing gf? Yes. Has it diminished any other area of his life? No. Why? Because he didn't let it. People joke about the confidence thing on here because it gives them a way to (once again) make people suffer for their lack of confidence, but in reality it makes a HUGE difference. Combine that with what I've put above and you'll be 'impressive' for sure. Maybe quit posting here too, it'll only fuk your head up even more.


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You talk about things like "confidence" , "attitude", "tan" and "we" are the fucktards here?

At this point just write the damn "just shave it off bro" and le'ts get over with it.

Yep. Bring up all other areas that aren't already 'maxed out' if you want to improve your chances with the opposite sex and be 'impressive'.

Having confidence and a positive attitude is key to life in general, so those things should be a given...but obviously not here as you are ostracised if your dare even have an ounce of confidence or mention the word. Everyone looks better with a tan.

I won't say, 'shave it off', as that's down to the OP and what he wants to do with his own hair. I'm talking more about brining up other areas that may only currently be at 50% of their potential - get them to 100% or as close to it as you can.

And yes, you are a fucktard if you try to bring others down with your abhorrently negative attitude. Just because you're insecure as fuk, don't make the world suffer for it.


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Yep. Bring up all other areas that aren't already 'maxed out' if you want to improve your chances with the opposite sex and be 'impressive'.

Having confidence and a positive attitude is key to life in general, so those things should be a given...but obviously not here as you are ostracised if your dare even have an ounce of confidence or mention the word. Everyone looks better with a tan.

I won't say, 'shave it off', as that's down to the OP and what he wants to do with his own hair. I'm talking more about brining up other areas that may only currently be at 50% of their potential - get them to 100% or as close to it as you can.

And yes, you are a fucktard if you try to bring others down with your abhorrently negative attitude. Just because you're insecure as fuk, don't make the world suffer for it.
I don't think anyone here is deliberately trying to bring others down.
People just post their life experiences, and yes, some are largely negative.

This is called the "impact" section for a reason, dude.
In some ways I tend to think that this is the last sanctuary for when confidence and a sunny attitude have been exhausted.


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Kasabian21 - Thanks for the advise, much appreciated.

Whatevr - that story made me lmfao I can't deny.

Having a peak at some of the other threads on this part of the forum exposes a strangely potent mix of attempts at humour coupled with self-loathing that I've rarely witnessed before.


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Luckily I have some decent characteristics to fall back on, I have fairly strong facial features, so I'm not ugly in that respect. I also have some money put away so hopefully in a years time if the meds haven't pulled off a satisfactory improvement, then I will transplant it up and hope that holds me until the future treatments save my hairy ***.


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Use Grindr



My Regimen
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Hey guys,

So I started noticing my hair was falling out aged 20, although now looking back at photographs it looks like I initially started balding around 19 without realising, funny how that works. Anyway I'm currently 22 now and it's been kicking my *** pretty hard. I would put myself as a NW3V. I seem to do reasonably well with meds as far as I could tell, but I convinced myself that I wanted a hair transplant as soon as possible. So I got off them so my hair would be in its poorest condition before the operation (what a fool I am). Anyway, I then changed my mind and decided against the operation, and to wait at least a couple more years on the meds again and see where that takes me, and with some cautious optimistic hope that further treatments may emerge.

For me, I feel my age is perhaps a blessing in disguise. Although it is a truly awful condition to have in early life, and sometimes I can't help but scream why couldn't my genes have held off for another five or ten years. The other side of the coin is that maybe if something concrete comes out in the next 5-7 years I can count myself lucky that I can still be considered a 'young man' with a second chance at social situations (girls mainly, God sometimes I wish I was a-sexual, but I love em). I know this feels like this should be perhaps put with the introduction thread, but I've placed it here because I have some questions regarding the impact of this disease and I feel like as fellow balding people, perhaps you may have the experience that I lack.

Essentially (sorry, finally getting to the point I promise) during this period of time where I don't believe I can achieve maximum success with my attractiveness (I'm also fairly short at 5 foot seven, on a good day) I want to attempt to make myself an impressive a person as possible. It's a difficult topic to approach because it seems to illicit antagonism from both sides where some will say baldness doesn't have an impact on your impressiveness, attractiveness etc, but for the sake of the argument, in my mind it certainly does. Furthermore some will say forget it, no point in even trying to improve yourself because baldness is all they will see, but I think this is a self-defeatist attitude. Basically what can a man do to improve himself. I thought of a few obvious things in terms getting in shape, learning as much as possible, career driven, learning another language, I think this is especially important in the anglosphere where the vast majority don't bother with learning a second language. So are there any other things people can think of or that have personally been instrumental in helping them improve their social standing whilst bald or balding?

If people have been bothered to take the time to read all that, thank you.
I think your thread is funny and insightful. Have you ever tried writing comedy?
About being exceptional, I don't think it it enough to be exceptional to be attractive. You should be "impressive" and also be so smart to find yourself in a context where people appreciate the ability you excel in.
I think the times in which women were "impressed" by some men for what they were, rather than how they looked, are terminating.
Today I was at a museum and I happened to wonder if the couples that were there were looks-matched. It's incredible that before frequenting this forum I had not realized that really it is difficult to see a couple in which the girl is beautiful and the guy is not tall and has good hair. There was only a couple in which he was a NW3. I will not comment on the girlfriend.

Luckily, in a few centuries virtual reality will allow people to have the face they like.


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Thank you Roberto_72, I try and keep it light during these dark times. No, never tried comedy, but I am part of quite a witty circle of friends so they've rubbed off on me (not literally, although if they had, maybe I wouldn't feel so depressed). I think you're right about excelling in a certain field and thus gaining respect from your peers. Unfortunately my main aspiration was to go into teaching, as such my hair concerns me, as those little shits miss nothing.


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"How to be a successful basketball player when you're 5'4?"

"How to be a successful basketball player when you're 5'4?"

Really one thing is hilarious about basketball.
Basket is so high for a 5'4"...
So teams add gigantic tall men,
And its not suitable for a 5'4 at all.

My question is...

If teams are adding tall and tall giants to the game,why can't they raise that Basket level to make game tougher and Interesting.
If you bringing taller players in game,
Height factor of a player is not at all tested.

I want to see this tall giants being dwarf by the increased height of that basket..
I never seen a minute of that game ever,
Only knew Jordan, and few player's name,and that too because of looney tunes movie on CN.

Wolf Pack

Senior Member
My Regimen
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Lower those hairlines, pound that DHT, fill in those crowns and mid scalps - baldness conquered. Rugs, plugs and drugs.


Experienced Member
My Regimen
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Like Kasabian said, don't listen to the cowards who try to bring you down. I empathize with their personal struggle but do not tolerate trying to make others suffer to make yourself feel better. And yes, telling a new hair loss sufferer to wear a horse mask or a brown paper bag absolutely IS being a "fuckwit".

As for how to be impressive. This may take a while, but depending on how bad your hair loss will be, you need to try to reframe your thinking and goals in life. I would stop thinking about women completely. Focus on the things you DON'T need to be attractive for, that give you meaning. The depressive cowards of the forum are unfortunately correct about how baldness drastically decreases your chance with the ladies. They are however incorrect in their thinking about how f*****g ladies in nightclubs is the end-all be-all of life.

What do you do for a living if I may ask? Are you studying? If you are, get good at what you're studying. Learn it inside and out (you're passionate about it I hope) and be the guy people need in a pinch. This will carry over to your career. Then get good at your hobbies. Be a badass in tennis, piano, short story writing, or whatever the f*** you do for fun. These are the things that will truly result in confidence. I'm NOT saying it will get you laid. The cowards here who scoff at the idea of confidence are doing it because they fundamentally misunderstand. They think we're saying "confidence will get you laid" but what we're saying is "be confident by dedicating yourself to the things you find meaningful".

PS how is your hair density? You can still be handsome with a NW3 in many cases ;) see Luis Figo.


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Like Kasabian said, don't listen to the cowards who try to bring you down. I empathize with their personal struggle but do not tolerate trying to make others suffer to make yourself feel better. And yes, telling a new hair loss sufferer to wear a horse mask or a brown paper bag absolutely IS being a "fuckwit".

As for how to be impressive. This may take a while, but depending on how bad your hair loss will be, you need to try to reframe your thinking and goals in life. I would stop thinking about women completely. Focus on the things you DON'T need to be attractive for, that give you meaning. The depressive cowards of the forum are unfortunately correct about how baldness drastically decreases your chance with the ladies. They are however incorrect in their thinking about how f*****g ladies in nightclubs is the end-all be-all of life.

What do you do for a living if I may ask? Are you studying? If you are, get good at what you're studying. Learn it inside and out (you're passionate about it I hope) and be the guy people need in a pinch. This will carry over to your career. Then get good at your hobbies. Be a badass in tennis, piano, short story writing, or whatever the f*** you do for fun. These are the things that will truly result in confidence. I'm NOT saying it will get you laid. The cowards here who scoff at the idea of confidence are doing it because they fundamentally misunderstand. They think we're saying "confidence will get you laid" but what we're saying is "be confident by dedicating yourself to the things you find meaningful".

PS how is your hair density? You can still be handsome with a NW3 in many cases ;) see Luis Figo.