How to become obsessed by hairloss....


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Don't worry it's quite easy

1 - You become a member of several hairloss websites
2 - You visite those websites everyday
3 - You take picture of your scalp each time you can
4 - You go on Histogen / Aderans / TrichoScience website almost everyday with the hope that something new had been published
5 - You pay attention to your diet because you read somewhere a thread where a member claimed that gluten intolerance / excess sugar / junk food etc caused hairloss

In the end you will think about it 24 / 7 (and probably become depressed because of it)

Guys I am obssessed by this f**** hairloss


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I believe obsessing makes it drop faster


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You become Hoppi! rofl :)

To be honest though I don't think that like.. putting a lot of focus on it is necessarily a bad thing. It's all benefiting my health tremendously and I often say how I would never dream of going back to the way I was before. I now feel much more... almost "one" with my own body and understanding it better, and I think I will be much stronger in the long run because of it :)


stressing out over it wont help anything. just remember that lookin at yor hair in a mirror wont help it grow any faster.


Experienced Member
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The worst part about the obsession is becoming a Norwood spotter.

I actually have a slight bias now - I'm friendlier toward guys with some degree of hairloss than I am with a NW1.


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My Regimen
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Maxifoot said:
Don't worry it's quite easy

1 - You become a member of several hairloss websites
2 - You visite those websites everyday
3 - You take picture of your scalp each time you can
4 - You go on Histogen / Aderans / TrichoScience website almost everyday with the hope that something new had been published
5 - You pay attention to your diet because you read somewhere a thread where a member claimed that gluten intolerance / excess sugar / junk food etc caused hairloss

In the end you will think about it 24 / 7 (and probably become depressed because of it)

Guys I am obssessed by this f**** hairloss



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Thickandthin said:
The worst part about the obsession is becoming a Norwood spotter.

I actually have a slight bias now - I'm friendlier toward guys with some degree of hairloss than I am with a NW1.
This has happened to me within the last year :( almost every single time i see another guy, my eyes go up to his hair..kinda gets annoying but i can't help it :/


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Thickandthin said:
The worst part about the obsession is becoming a Norwood spotter.

I actually have a slight bias now - I'm friendlier toward guys with some degree of hairloss than I am with a NW1.

LMAO. Thats funny. Dont get me wrong, I am a master Norwood spotter. I can pretty accurately predict which kids will go bald, who will recede, etc. I dont have bias towards anybody though.


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tdawg7669 said:
Thickandthin said:
The worst part about the obsession is becoming a Norwood spotter.

I actually have a slight bias now - I'm friendlier toward guys with some degree of hairloss than I am with a NW1.

LMAO. Thats funny. Dont get me wrong, I am a master Norwood spotter. I can pretty accurately predict which kids will go bald, who will recede, etc. I dont have bias towards anybody though.

I'm the same. I didn't even think about what a receding hairline was until this sh*t hit three years ago.