How To Explain Non-psychological Ejaculatory Side Effects Pfs Sufferers Report?


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Let's say PFS doesn't exist. All the psychological side-effects can be dismissed and said that they are psychological (loss of libido, erectile dysfunction, depression, anxiety, suicide, panic disorder), but how do you explain less forceful ejaculation, watery semen, lessening of semen volume? These are actual organic things that your mind can't affect. So many PFS sufferers complain of these symptoms as well and I think they are the only undoubtly organic ones.

I can find one counter-argument:

This place-controlled drug experiment says that finasteride does not even affect semen volume. -- also this study says that only dutasteride was capable of reducing semen volume and it was reversible. -- this study says that finasteride reduced semen volume, but it was reversible. -- this study says that after quitting the drug semen volume increased IMMEDIATELY. -- this study says that finasteride reduces semen volume. Also it is biologically plausible that finasteride can cause loss of semen volume.


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My guess is reduced prostate function. Finasteride is already used to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlarged prostate). However PFS works, the prostate isn't getting the signals from DHT that it needs to work.