How to lose weight IN YOUR FACE??



Hey, does anybody of you know a way how you can lose weight especially in your face?


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Besides running and weights or any form of exercise, drink more water. I've been drinking a lot of water and I'm starting to see my jaw and chin more. My face looks skinnier now.

Taugenichts, what part of Germany are you from?


Thanks for advices. I am already drinking a lot of water, but my face still looks weird. I am assuming it is the finasteride. Btw. I am from south-west of Germany, near the French border.


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do some face exercises - rotating your jaw,opening and closing yourmouth etc. i know it sounds a bit daft but it works, i know someone whose definitely lost some weight off his face by doing this.theres probably some specific ones you can do on the net.


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maybe it would work, but I heard from good sources that genetics decide where to take fat from. It goes to the liver, is processed, and enters the blood when levels are depeated from muslces taking stuff out of the blood. The big muscles get rid of most of the fat. Doing crunches will not give you a 6 pack unless you burn the fat off with your big muscles.

Fat face may be genetic, or may mean you need to make your body more lean to finally tap your face fat. But smoking and drinking can do it too, and I think it is permanent. Smoking makes it happen much faster.

Even if moving your joy did burn local fat, your jaw just can't burn enough calories to do much. Sorry. You will be doing a lot of face exercises. Try not to get motion wrinkles.

I wish I knew of a cure. I know some inshape people who need it, and never smoked. Sad. I'm glad my face looks nice.

I know of people who had moderate body fat, and when they got in shape and put on lean muscle, the fat face disappeared, and their face went up 3-4 points on a 10 point scale. Amazing. Never thought that would happen. I think maybe mine can look better too.
So if your body is a bit lazy, even if not overweight, then fix that first before you dispare. And stop smoking if you currently do.


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Taugenichts said:
Thanks for advices. I am already drinking a lot of water, but my face still looks weird. I am assuming it is the finasteride. Btw. I am from south-west of Germany, near the French border.

Are you near Alsace? If I'm wrong, wasn't Alsace originally German territory?


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Taugenichts said:
Hey, does anybody of you know a way how you can lose weight especially in your face?
This is probably the most obvious answer, but cardio, proper diet, and more cardio.

I've been doing a lot of jogging recently (haven't done much cardio in the past, but i still ate properly and lifted weights) and I've already received numerous complements on how I lost the chubbiness in my face. Not only that, but my abs are finally starting to show now.

There's no other way to do it but cardio.... jog, ride a bike, do aerobics.... just anything that'll get your heartrate up and keep you sweating...


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Yeah, there's no way to spot reduce fat. If you do a bunch of sit-ups, it won't make the fat in your belly go away any faster than anywhere else.

One thing I will say though... for some strange reason, people on high carb diets seems to gain weight in their face disproportionately to other places. Why? I don't know. But there's a reason why they call it "carb face".


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how could you posibly know what their diets are? Do you aske people what they eat? Most people are not even honest about that. And few people can stay on Adkins for long, since it is hard on people.


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Taugenichts said:
Hey, does anybody of you know a way how you can lose weight especially in your face?

Running is the best, to lose fat from your face. Also, follow a good diet. We are what we eat.

Try to run now, that it's easier to lose fat, because in winter it's harder. :wink:

Gutes Gluck!