How To Not Cure But Postpone Balding


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Ok. I have male pattern baldness. I'm at the stage my hair is really really thin and hard to shape but I dont have any bald spot or noticably reciving hairline yet. I tried drugs and had side effects. I accepted that I will be bald soon and decided to shave it all once it comes. I'm losing hair currently but not aggressively. I have aroud 10-15 hairs falling in shower and 1-2 hair falling each time I touch my hair which wasn't the case before. I heard balding guys experience a lot more so i'm hoping maybe I have some time left. I'm wondering how long it might be. And Whats the best treatment like dht blocker shampoo not to cure but postpone it as much as possible?


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Tesla violet ray machine on my experience will halt it bare minimum, and most likely grow new hair.

A vintage one is expensive which is the one I have I can't talk about effects from the cheap or new ones as I have no experience.

Supplements such as iodine, msm , zinc and vit bs can only help and should in your system anyway especially iodine.

Getting blood flow to the head, great diet and breathing properly will also help greatly.