How to save for a hair transplant? Feeling helpless!


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Is money the only thing holding anyone back from getting a transplant? I'm wondering if anyone give tips on how this was an issue for them but managed to save and get it done.

I know which doctor I want to go with and it's really bothersome that money is the only thing holding me back. Right now it seems like my only hope is to shave my head.

Between me and my wife we have just under $20,000 in savings but she refuses to let me touch a little more than half our savings for something cosmetic. I really don't blame her so she said I can do it if I come up with the cash myself.

Initially it gave me momentum to make more money but unless I find a better job, I can't make enough to save for a transplant on my own. I’ve been looking and not much is out there. I’m trying at least to upgrade and even consider a career change.

So to save more money immediately, the first thing I tried was making cash on the side doing focus groups. Unfortunately, I have only been to 1 in the last 3 months so it’s not as frequent as I thought.

Then one day I thought I was having a bit of a miracle. I read the newspaper and a research company was doing clinic testing for an allergy medication. The compensation was over $9,000. Although I am sceptical about taking drugs for testing I thought this was a good sign and to just go for it. I suffer from major allergies too so it was a double bonus.

I was back to square one when I didn't qualify. They didn't want year round sufferers, only seasonal. That idea is out for now but they said to keep myself up to date on their website for future trials which I am doing.

Another way I thought of making dough was starting a Lotto group at my work :) I play anyway and dream of winning like the rest of the world but thought a group would increase the odds. Of course the main prizes are a dream but if I win just $12,000 that would mean the world to me! I got 20+ people on board so my odds are much better now. If anything it’s gotten me closer to a few co-workers I didn’t talk too much before.

So right now I am out of ideas. Just out of conversation, I suggested to my wife that I might ask a few “somewhat†wealthy friends to see if they would lend me money interest free. She hated the idea saying I should be ashamed. None of these friends are bald anyway so I don’t think they could empathize.

Lastly, I did check out the financing options that the doctor suggested on his website. The interest rates were surprisingly high. I think it was 11% to 12% vs. the 3-4% I think I could get off my line of credit. I would love to dip into my LOC but my wife refuses that I add on debt to our already high mortgage.

I’ll be a little more open about myself right now since I can hide my identity. I am getting more depressed about my hair loss then ever before. I’ve always had issues in my life and this hair loss is making things worse.

I've been on Propecia for almost a year now and Rogaine foam since Nov 2010 and it might be only maintaining what I have. I had really hoped last year that my hair would have been in better condition than it is now.

I thought of shaving my head, which I did before, but the look doesn't suite me at all. I have a really round face and can get a double chin easily if I don’t watch my weight and exercise so I really do not like how the shaved head looks on me. I was told by one of my friends that I still looked bald anyway.

I have fairly white skin too therefore I think it looks bad if I had it right to the skin. I thought about tanning sessions the moment I shave my head to see if that would enhance my look but a little fearful of skin cancer. I also considered a workout program called Body-for-Life and then try P90X which I heard is more advanced to get rid of roundness/double chin away from the face when considering shaving.

So I am open to any kind of help possible regarding financing tips or just enhancing my look. Any help or encouragment is much appreciated


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Thanks for the info. I'm going to sleep in a bit but will check the links tomorrow. What do you mean by Norwood? I'm 32 years old.

I guess I came across whipped but my wife makes a lot more money than I do so the majority of our savings are mostly hers. That's why on my own it's hard to save.

Her thought is "I love you whether if your bald or not" which is great but it still bothers me at the end of the day. HAHAHA about the stripping comment but maybe I should get a girlfriend on the side that is one ;)


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buy 5000 dollars worth of neol stock and sell in 4-5 months time.wait till it dips below .30 and jump on it...sell in 4 months and you have your hair transplant...once the stock is purchased might as well go ahead and make your appointment cause this one is sure to triple in value by september..i know you wont believe me but in september when youre kicking yourself email me and ill give you another one:)


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oh and another thing...if i were you i would make my appointment with dr a POSWEL in india...hes a leading surgeon, his results are amazing and his price is like a dollar a with 5 grand you can get 3000 grafts and pay for airfare...going to india is risky when getting a hair transplant but hes the exception...hes well known online and there is no shortage of info about him..i have personal experience with him im very satisfied


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Neopharm I believe.
However even if you do make money on the share price, when you sell them you have to pay tax and whatever cut your broker deducts.


Established Member
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Be very wary of someone making stock suggestions for YOU to get rich. This guy is full of crap. It is a 0.32 cent stock for two years. They get new drug approval for fentyl spray. If it makes it through clinical trials, people will stick with the patch anyway as most people on this are bed bound and need a RN to apply it. Sorry no RN is going to do this every four hours when the patch last 3 days.

Do your homework, here is drug co. just got APPROVAL by FDA for new antibiotic to treat C. difficile. It is one if not the most common intestinal infection of nursing homes. Remember, the population is getting older to the point nursing homes are full. The artilce reports 700,000 people a year. Cant get direct link to work. Symbol is OPTR.

P.S. I dont advise on purchasing single stocks, the professionals always win, it is their full time job. Make the career choice, it will last a lifetime. If you make $10,000 a year more x 30 years of do the math. ... et=&ccode=


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all biotech stocks trend up 6 months before buy 6 months before approval and sell a couple weeks before the decision...the reason neol hasnt risen is simply because they had nothing in the thay do and its at a seriouys bottom...besides...if you look its currently up 20 percent from a couple months age...anyway monday morning it will drop 10 percent and be below 30 then it will be back up at least 10 percent on on monday and hold for 4 will get you a hair transplant but like i said, you wont buy it but you will e mail me in 4 months asking for another 1:) oh and as far as fent patches being used instead of spray, you couldnt be more wrong...the patches are 48 hour formulations,..not suitable for breakthrough cancer pain..the spray takes effect almost instantly formulations of existing drugs is a multi billion dollar industry...oxycodone has been around for decades..but oxycontin(extended release oxycodone) made billions when released in the think again about your reasoning..


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oh and good luck waiting for oil to drop to 50 again in our lifetime.


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Hi everyone,

I appreciate the comments however I do not have the risk tolerance to gamble on stock prices.

@Finfighter: I just looked at Toppik online and it looks promising. Going to look more into the product and pricing. I have a slight bald patch at the back right where my hair parts in different directions and my hair in the front is also thinning badly. Overall I would say I'm a Norwood between 2 and 3.

Thanks again.


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I thought I'd share my photo's instead since none of the Norwood's were that accurate. My hair looks worse than it seems btw. I might have had a haircut around this time which makes my hair look "ok" for a week or so.

At the front (just behind my bangs) gets noticably bald when the hair around it starts growing. I've been bald at the front left and right for the last 10 years or so but it had started to increase more in the front over the last couple of years.

In the first picture, the back right is very visable as well but every doctor I seen said they would not transplant their as it's just my natural hair pattern area.


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Senior Member
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You have very minor hairloss that a hair transplant may even make worse due to shock loss. I bet all of the best docs would tell you that you aren't a suitable candidate.


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@finfighter: There is a Sally's Beauty Supply 5 mins away from my house!! :) I'm going to see if they have Toppik there sometime next week. They close early this week for some reason or else I'd go tonight! Maybe I can make some $$$ by selling some on ebay myself if they do have it ;)

@dudemon: I thought about all of your points but don't want the long term drama. I am going to focus on making dough on the side that way I'll have every right to do what I want. Thanks though.

@cuebald: I've seen about 3 doctor's so far. 2 out of the 3 were very conservative while 1 recommended about double the grafts in comparison to the others. None of them said my hair loss was minor. My pictures do make it seem less bald because I had a haircut around this time.


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So bad news ... Toppik is not available in Canada. Might have to cross the border or check for it on Ebay.