im in the same sitoation too..all the day think of what i had.
it is hard .
but i try a new thinking,im tell my seld(and it is true) that there is so much aspect of beuty and atrractive of men.
we have our face,our body.our eyes,our speaking with girls.all of them,with hair as a one part,are play in this game of being atractive.
recently i understood that hoe you looking in girl when you speak with hair,is so importent.
saw so much friends and ppl with no hair get so much beutiful girls.and when i try to analyse it,i understand that they talk not with a confidence,but more with deep atitude,like they talk to the girl and listen to her,make a"privte moment" between them.and it work.
me.when i speak with girls,my eyes and me head are so frenetic,that i almost cant hear what girl tell heart bit start their rally and i dont "get the moment".just wait it will finish with no closer look in my hair.
must do something with it,the problem is into us.