How to use toppik without making a mess?


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I've been using toppik for the last couple of years, almost daily. I don't go overboard when I use it, just sprinkle a lit bit on close to the scalp/thinning area. But I've noticed this stuff gets everywhere in the bathroom. I see the dark toppik residue all over the place, is there any way to use this stuff and not have it make such a mess in the room?

Vinton Harper

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I think you are going to get some of that no matter what kind of fiber concealer you use. I use Toppik in conjunction with a spray-on concealer(you want to see messy, get one of those), but the Toppik doesn't get all over because I use the Toppik Sprayer(lookup Toppik Spray Maximizer, I think) so I can spray it generally where I want it. But also because I don't use a whole lot, either. You may want to try spraying your hair lightly with hair spray before you add the concealer. I do with when I am using my sprinkle bottle of Caboki. It seems to help the fibers attach to the hair better, but I really can't tell if it helps to not make a mess because of my use of spray-on concealer which always makes a mess.