how well does propecia work long term?


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I've been on propecia for 18 months now, and it has maintained my hair as far as I can tell, perhaps even a tiny bit of regrowth in places.

How long can I expect this to last for me? When will the drugs effects start to wear off?


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Okay it differs... These stats are not 100% correct but it goes a little like this, to begin with propecia works on 84% of men, after 7 years that figure goes down to 72% after that it's pretty much differs between men. Probably depending on exactly how sensitive your follicles are to DHT as propecia blocks 70/80% so there is still some getting through.

So probably at worse you have five and a half years. Adding minoxidil can take that figure up to 15 years and add new regrowth along with Nizoral shampoo which has anti androgen properties.

But, there are no definite answers in hairloss... so its pretty much down to your own observation.


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I used to fret about when finasteride would stop working for me. But, the way I see it, technology will continue to improve. Propecia/Proscar is one of the biggest money-makers worldwide, so there is a definate incentive for the pharmaceutical industry to pursue research in this area. So, I guess wait and hope is the real answer to this question.

I guess hair cloning represents the biggest hope of all male pattern baldness affllicted persons. But, I think that one is a long shot. Aside from being a political hot potatoe, the technology at the clinical level in humans is probably at least a decade away, even my the most hopeful observers. But, when and if it does come, it will render all of this worry and effort meaningless. But, then again, these are all big "IFs".


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demo; since you start the treatment any side effect,like sexual or hair shedding?