How well will hair transplant suite me?


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I am 25 yrs old. I have severe diffuse thinning ontop with temple and mid-hair recession. My crown has suffered most.

The horseshape is apparent as the entire top scalp has diffused severely. I can't grow my hair out long because the top will look too thin for the sides so I keep it razor shaved or shaved.

My head wreath has good density (I have a big head but I have a large horseshoe shape, not severely large, but the crown thinning goes to the mid section of the back of my head)

My beard is stupidly thick and course. I have a very thick beard that fades into my chest hair.

My bodyhair is medium density, I have decent hair on my body but not enough for someone to say "My God you look like an Ape"

My objective: FUE, FUE and more FUE.

I want to initially use my beard donour region. This alone should bring 70% density back to the entire crown (its that thick and has many hairs per cubic cm)

I then want to use my head hair to create a new youthful straight hairline.

I want to keep extra beard hair and minimal head hair available without even touching my body hair yet. This for when it gets worse later.

BAD or GOOD idea?

FYI: Propecia is an EXTREME medical no-go for me. Minoxidil isn't working that great for me anymore.

Also, I have black hair everywhere and I'm olive skinned (Mediterranian background)

ALSO, money isn't an issue thanks to the family I was born into lol. So are there any obsticles that arent financially related?


Senior Member
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What is the family history as far as m.p.b goes? Post a pic of your hair it'll help.


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s.a.f said:
What is the family history as far as m.p.b goes? Post a pic of your hair it'll help.

Camera being serviced atm.

Brother has male pattern baldness in NW5 fashion, other brother losing from crown. Both older.