How will transplants look when you're 70-80?


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Say if you have a transplant at 30, it may look good now and when you're 40 or maybe even 50, however how's it going to look when you're 70 or 80?

I presume finasteride won't work forever and you will lose your native hair, leaving just the transplanted ones behind.

I'm guessing it would look pretty hideous. That's one reason why I'm having serious doubts about getting one.


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um, thats a good point. I have never thought about how I would look with transplanted hair at the age of 70s. Maybe by then, the better solution will come along? However, I want to live fully in the present moment and I know for sure that if I had more hair (transplant or not), I could live happily even if its only 5 to 10 more years.:(


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My Regimen
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Say if you have a transplant at 30, it may look good now and when you're 40 or maybe even 50, however how's it going to look when you're 70 or 80?

I presume finasteride won't work forever and you will lose your native hair, leaving just the transplanted ones behind.

I'm guessing it would look pretty hideous. That's one reason why I'm having serious doubts about getting one.

Ummm when your 70 or 80 who cares you're retired and hopefully not pooping yourself.
Same thing I tell people about my tattoos. By that age if I know my own name I'm on good shape.