howmuch time do you spend on hair per day?


Established Member
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i dont really do any treatments on my hair yet.. so my timespending is mostly just looking at the mirror.. looking at my hairline
and counting number of hairs on my temple area.. geez.. i wanna sock myself sometimes!

how much time do you guys spend on hair? including putting treatments/spending time on this forum/looking at mirror/worrying about hair haha
damn time is gold but hair is diamond!


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Good question. Lets see...

I apply Rogaine twice per day - 1 min max

Shower in the morning before work...need to let hair complete dry in order to apply Toppik - 30 mins

Apply Toppik slowly and carefully, check hairline, crown with mirror, pat down, wipe off excess, repeat...repeat...repeat... - 90 mins. :eek:

On this website - 15 mins per day.

Check hairline during daytime, maybe 3-4 times - total time 20 mins.

It's crazy...I wake up at 6 am every morning, and only make to work at 9:30.

I'm interested to see other replies to his post.


At the moment i am spending about 8-12 hours a day looking at my hairline or reading in Forums. I am only finasteride, so this takes about 30 seconds a day.


Experienced Member
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I spend about an hour trying to encourage growth and 24 hours thinking about regrowth.