HST by Hair Science Institute - final proof


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There is a guy named gc83uk on HS who went to Gho and had his 2nd procedure done.

Results look very good and I encourage you to check it out for yourself

There is no scarr and donor seems to be regenerating :punk:

WHt you think abt HST as a new gold standard in hair restoration?

I know HRN still favours strip/FUT and call it gold standard

I find it sad that hair transplant docs are so reluctant to admit that there are better techniques out there that actually work

Rmbr FUE by Dr Woods was laughed at first more than a decade ago


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Dudemon, that’s a pretty nice analysis you have made. I agree with everything you wrote. I also believe that Gho’s technique is very promising, but we need to wait some time (maybe a couple of years) in order to be sure for it (for all the reasons you mentioned too).

Mr. 4000

Strip is a fraud solution, a horrible invasive waste of time and money

FUE if done right can be a patch job at best

this, I don't know......


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Wow I would definitely get in on a treatment that could fill out my existing nw3ish hair line without giving me a donor scar or making me look like I got shot in the head with shot gun pellets.


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dudemon said:
powersam said:
Wow I would definitely get in on a treatment that could fill out my existing nw3ish hair line without giving me a donor scar or making me look like I got shot in the head with shot gun pellets.

Yeah, we all would. But, I would wait until Gho actually proves himself with results. And I mean like NW6/7 => dense NW1 ... AND for both the donor and recipient hair to survive through many hair cycles (a few years). I am estimating that this will take 3-5 years from now, and by then Replicel will hopefully be available which will most likely blow Gho's $hit away anyways.

That's my point though, NW6/7 to NW1 is beyond what I need. Even donor hair growing back would not be essential for my position.

A truly scar less hair transplant would be perfect for me as is. If the donor follicles grew back, all the better.

Plus available now is also a huge bonus. Right now I'm 32, better hair for another 3-4 years would be great and by that time as you say, replicel would most probably be out so it could fix it up then.


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Not interested in looking like someone shot me in the head with a shotgun.

As I said, as long as the actual transplants live on, the donor follicles regrowing would not be a huge issue for me. A truly scar free hair transplant would be perfect.


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That refusal makes him look more honest to me, rather than less.

You seem against him because he can't at present promise to take you from where you are to where you want to be.

I've never seen any photos of an FUE patient's scars that I would consider cosmetically acceptable if I wanted to (or had to) shave my head.

Zero scar is worth it for me, even if the donor and graft areas don't survive past 5 years.


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HST Prices

Scalp hair 1600 - 1800 grafts € 9.400

Scalp hair > 1800* € 2,50 per extra graft

A maximum of approximately 2520 grafts can be transplanted per day of treatment.

Works out about 5.2 Euro per graft if you have 1800 grafts, and price per graft drops if you have more than 1800 which is on par with FUE