Huge shed at 3 months


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I've been on finasteride for 3 months now. The first 2 months were fine, not much happened. This 3rd month I seem to have lost around 1/3 of all the hair throughout the top of my head, esspecially at the crown.

I have no plans to quit but I'm looking for any words of wisdom?



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Your speaking the words of wisdom yourself, dont stop!!

Some people experience sheds, some dont. Keep an eye on it by taking pictures, if your still losing ground in a few months time you can always think of adding rogaine.


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yeah, I'm fairly sure I'm doing the right thing by not quitting, I was just looking for some similar stories and their experience over the next 3-6 months (good or bad)


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I'm in the same boat. Im at 2.5 months of finasteride use, and until recently havent noticed anything, but lately i cant even touch my hair without some falling out. Definately more than normal. I use toppik in the meantime but Im still freaking out


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I'll join you guys. About 3 months ago I started finasteride 0.25mg every day also (scared of sides and should be fine with this amount), didnt notice anything happening (still shedding the usual rate, no regrowth) but since 2 weeks or so I'm shedding like a madman. The front has gone pretty damn ugly and crown is also thinning.

I'm just gonna get another haircut today, cause it definately looks terrible with this one, and then just wait and hope for the best. It's our best bet, so we should just go with it.

And btw, everywhere you read it's said that you WILL shed, so it's all normal right? :) Results are coming I'd say!

Hang on and keep us updated, I'll try to do the same.


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hey whoop can you say how much hair shed on 3 month mark and

thick or thin.???????????


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I can't give a number as i don't count them. Definately more than 100. I keep noting hairs falling on my desk when working.

Only thin hairs, maybe a few thick ones. Made my front look bad though.

Why do you ask?:)


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i lost 55% of hair in front with regime

btw i'am seeing past one week shed reduced to 0~2 hairs/day after a 21 months in continues regime but bit confusion with finasteride/dutas.


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My shed has stopped now.
I'm not sure if it's my imagination yet, but it seems a little thicker now.
My hair is buzzed so any changes are noticable over short periods.
I'll check again in another week


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Whether or not the shedding stops, I'll keep taking finasteride. I'm not having any side effects, and it's quite the only thing I can do to stop hairloss right? :)

Keep us updated eth0, good for the mind to read about a stop in shedding :)