Hydrocortisone - Found A Patent I Can't Understand


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I was searching around for some threads about hydrocortisone because I was thinking about giving it a go on one of my temples for a while, and I couldn't find that much.
Only a few "success stories" from like 5-10 years back. I also happened to stumble upon a patent while looking around:

http://www.google.com/patents/WO1988007361A1?cl=en (note the dates)

"Fifteen males with early alopecia were treated with a combination of 2% minoxidil and 1% hydrocortisone in a hydroalcoholic vehicle. The subjects were shampooed weekly and hairs were counted after filtration. Fewer hairs were observed to be shed as treatment progressed. Hair regrowth has been substantially better than with minoxidil alone in comparable cases. The longest period of treatment is 6 months. Hair loss has virtually stopped in all subjects"

"Twenty-six young-adult, balding white males were treated for at ' least five months with a hydroalcoholic solution containing: (1) 3% minoxidil; and (2) 2.5% hydrocortisone. These subjects were in an early stage of baldness, not exceeding 2 inches in diameter over the vertex.

The combination formulation stimulated hair growth in these subjects within three months. Most of the subjects volunteered comments of surprise that enhancement could be seen as early as two months. These results were compared with the results of a study at the same clinic of 50 patients using 3% minoxidil alone. In the opinion of the investigator, hair growth was seen sooner and on a greater proportion of patients in the group treated with the combination of minoxidil and an antiinflammatory agent."


Does anyone know anything about what happened with this/what it is? I suck at understanding those things.
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