Hyperandrogen reaction to Propecia

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Hi folks.

I wonder if I don't suffer from what is referred as a "Hyperandrogen reaction to Propecia". If someone can take 5 minutes to explain me in details what it consists in, that would really be helpful !!!

background : I've been taking Propecia for 9 month. Results = sh*t! lost many hairs, mainly in the front. When I started I could barely see my scalp through my hairline even under bright light sun, now I can see it clearly and even deeper behind my hairline.

I started shedding in September after I started Propecia. Not a big shed, but noticeably more than before. Sometimes, hairs I lost had a weird look : thick at the end, thin at the root, like if they had suffered from a shock due to propecia which induced minituriziation (any propecia user sheds this kind of hair ?).

Hairs I've lost have not grown back, except a few here an there. Before starting Propecia I could see some hairs growing along my hairline, now I have to stick my nose to the mirror and look under bright light what makes me thinks Propecia is triggering my catagen/resting phase. I can see plenty of little shitty white hairs (1-2-3mm) where ther used to be my hairline and behind. Minor regrowth at the temples (less than 50), some vellus hairs, nothing at the front.

Since then, shedding hasn't stop. f*****g freaking for the last 3 weeks because I loose hairs everywhere, even in the back of my head (yeah I know everybody does) but they are reaaally thin. I supposed hairs in the back never miniaturized ?! :freaked:

So, I try to know if I've developed an hyperandrogen reaction to propecia. Anyone can tell what are the symptoms ?

thanks guys !